A request from a modder to another modder: weapons.properties
I know I have been an unreliable partner in the modder community, but to my defense, it is due to work and family requirements. I am the creator of UQMG or the UberQuick Mission Generator (
http://www.uberdemon.net), that has been around since the release of the first IL-2 almost 20 years ago. I have also dabbed into modding, being the first to discover how to enable the historically-accurate hakencreuz, and getting a lot of flak for it. I have also released a few mods of my own, like the flyable G-11 and Me-321 gliders, as well as weapon mods for Ki- Oscars, Stukas, Fw-190s, Bf-109s, as well as the first playable gunner station for the IL-2 Field Mod ’41.
Anyway, I am at a point in my career that I am finally having some time of my own, and would like to start updating my UQMG to support BAT and the newer versions of IL-2 (like BOS). The most time consuming task is getting the weapon codes from the aircraft, as well as new ground objects.
Request: I would like for one of you Java wizards to create what I think is a fairly doable Mod. I would like the mod to produce an output of a simple text file that would list all aircraft in the current version of IL-2 (Modact, BAT WAW, TGA, DOF, TJA, etc…) as well as their weapon load codes. Why? Before, getting the weapon codes was easy because they would all be in the “weapons.properties” file, but now with advances in modding, one can create a new aircraft and place the weapon codes in the JAVA class file. That is awesome but it makes the job of mission creation developers like me much more difficult. This would help in developing updates for mission generators.
Example Output:
# Ar-240C
Ar-240C.default Default
Ar-240C.4xMG15120 4x 20mm Cannon
Ar-240C.2xMk108 2x 30mm Cannon
Ar-240C.1xBK37mm 1x 37mm Cannon
Ar-240C.4xSC250 4x SC250 Bombs
Ar-240C.4xAB250 4x AB250 Bombs
Ar-240C.2xSC500 4x SC500 Bombs
Ar-240C.2xdpt 2x Drop Tanks
Ar-240C.none Empty
# Ar-240C
Ar-240C2.default Default
Ar-240C2.2xdpt 2x Drop Tanks
Ar-240C2.none Empty
Etcetera… but if the test display is not available that is OK, so for example if “1x 37mm Cannon” is not available from “Ar-240C.1xBK37mm”, that is OK, as long as the CODE version is provided (that is “Ar-240C.1xBK37mm”).
Hopefully this is possible by doing a loop in which you cycle all aircraft and you just spit out the codes for the available weapon codes.
I hope this makes sense. Thank you in advance for your attention.