Well, here I totally agree with Whistler.
I find it makes sense to know where your fellows are whereas you are not sure about your enemies' location.
In real life I suppose you could use your radio to ask your fellows where the hell they are. I suppose your enemies wouldn't be so kind to tell you from which direction they intend to attack you.
Concerning the radars and CGI, especially in WW2, I think they could be useful to detect groups of enemies approaching the front. This can be simulated with C&C features. However, I don't think they could give you the same information in the middle of a dogfight as you can obtain from map icons. In a melee, sometimes I get completely confused, I lose sight from my enemies, and eventually they get my 6 and shoot at me insanely. At the beginning I used to cheat and use map icons to find where my enemies were. But now, I find more satisfactory to conceal the enemy icons and trying to find my enemies by looking for them (Track IR is a must here. It changes completely the way you look for enemies, and permit to go without map enemy icons).
So I think that Whistler option is the wisest and most immersive. You have the advantage of knowing in detail where your friends are, which is completely understandable provided you have a radio, but you also suffer the uncertainty of your enemies whereabouts aside from the information of C&C systems.
And as he says, in moments of dispair, you can always switch on enemy icons...
Whistler, thank you very much for your impressive work. I do not fly anymore without your New Generation HUD and New Generation Maps.