Hello guys, work continues.

For those of you who might have downloaded from the links I provided you will notice in the weapon selection screen there is a option that includes two empty racks together, what is that for you might ask?
Well looking through the Windsock book I found a few images that show the aircraft configured in such a way, both applied but empty, so what is going on?
My thoughts are that the aircraft must have needed to be equipped with racks before leaving port and loading onto the catapult, however, I would not think it possible to use both simultaniously so they must have been bombed up only once the mission was decided and loaded with the most appropriate, bombs or torpedo.
Other images show the aircraft loaded with just two bombs, before a mission, after a mission? It was not possible to determine whether the standard or torpedo mount was on these aircraft.
So, here are the two options that make some sense in the absence of any clarification:
Two 112lb bombs, this avoiding the torpedo frame at rear:

The single torpedo:

Before looking at the Windsock book I was under the impression that only four bombs or one torpedo could be carried due to weight considerations, however, the book describes the capability for nine 100lb bombs!
From looking at the photographs it does actually look like some aircraft actually use what appears to be a second main rack mounted side by side with another, does anyone have confirmation of this please?
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.