the problem is...I put objects and waypoint planes on the map and when I push save mission or fly mission the game doesn't start and it remains on the same page map on costrution..
There are not images I can post on the forum.
Most likely you are missing some objects that are encoded into the map's actors.static file, but which are not installed in the setup of your game. When that is the case, you can load a map, set up missions and all but you will not be able to save it or fly the mission.
The solution is to track down the missing objects and see if you can find a way to install them.
However, your best bet of all, is to install an advanced and updated ll-2 install, like DBW for instance. Monte Cassino is a somewhat older map, and I am virtually certain that DBW or UP3 will contain all the necessary objects needed for this map.
Maybe you should state which version of the game you are trying the map out on ...