I'm trying to get a DCG campaign running on BAT Blitz but am having a serious issue. I can create the campaign all and well without an issue and play the first mission without a problem. However, as soon as I exit back to the main menu and then go back to the "Multiplay->Campaign" page, instead of displaying the campaign select screen, the game just freezes up, maxes out its memory usage, and I end up having to use SuperF4 to get out of the game since it locks me out of doing anything else.
If I go into my Missions/Net/Ngen folder and delete my newly generated campaign folder, it lets me go back and start another new one, but the game will do the exact same thing as soon as I go back to the main menu. This has made it completely impossible to play a DCG campaign, which is really annoying since that's the entire reason I got BAT (wanted to play a complete Western Front campaign from 1940-1944 without the dreaded Java Wall ruining the game when I install the planes needed for France 1940).
Anyone have any suggestions for this one? Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Also, unrelated question - is there any way to make the reticle in the early Spitfires and Hurricanes any larger? It's so small and thin that it becomes hard to aim with. I could copy over the reticle set I was using from my old install but I'm afraid I might break something.