Humble request: Version able to fly with 4.101 with SAS ModAct 3.06?
410 SAS 3.06
I tried for two days to make a single DiffFM dependant plane ( believe me, multiples tried... ) to work in this hostile environment.
I did not even had SAS flyables, and the pure DiffFM_410 did not work ( _00_DiffFM_410 ) for most mods import from DBW I tried, for lack of this or that; plane mods of this 'SAS era' are BUTTON dependant mostly, and share pits.
It came down to an Engine-mod: "!SAS_Engine_Mod_4101m_v26ju" and an "!! SAS Common Utils", to make a "Baron mod" with my
own pit version to finaly brake the 20% and 60% crashes frontiers using it's own FM and pit, at last !
( Note: Engine_Mod does have a 294ABC86A89FAEB4 DiffFM... ).Meanwhile the bottom line for the Dornier J still remains at :
[13:35:15] Spawn.get( com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Dornie_J_Wal ): com/maddox/il2/objects/air/TypeSeaPlane
[13:35:15] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/maddox/il2/objects/air/TypeSeaPlane
No success. Hope someone can solve >:
NoClassDefFound of TypeSeaPlane.