The standard M-Gesch warhead contains 18g of HA41 explosive (PTEN). In the same amount, the PTEN is approximately equal to 1.2 times the power of TNT.
Funny thing but that page doesn't even show the 151/20 ammo I've been talking about.
Anyway, we can cut this short: You cannot simply translate the explosive's weight 1:1 from real life to IL-2.
For instance, the AIM-9B uses a 10lb blast/fragmentation warhead in real life. If you put these 10lb into IL-2, the result is that an aicraft at a distance of ~100m will just blow up, shredded to 1000 pieces when the missile detonates, whereas in real life the effective range of the explosive charge was ~15m. We've performed excessive tests and ended up with reasonable results when the warhead weight was cut to 1/10th of the real life weight. Smaller charges need less adjustment, but you will never achieve believable results if you put the real life's warhead weight straight into the IL-2 props.
And then, whatever you try to adjust, document
all changes and apply it to
all comparable weapons in the
same way, otherwise you come across biased, working on an own (different) agenda.
How to upgrade my up3.0 rc4 dedicated server to 3.2? Is there any server side patch?
UP3.2 patch applies to both server and client.