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Author Topic: Installing Ultrapack  (Read 17831 times)

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Re: Installing Ultrapack
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2021, 12:58:06 AM »

throttle_control, let me give you a broad hint:
You might want to change your attitude a bit if you want other to help you.
What you wrote so far has a touch of outright complaints, mixed with accusations and some level of "gimme" attitude.
That will get you just so far in the long run.
A bit more friendly in your approach, mixed with a "thank you" if someone took the time to look for your issues will prove much more successful, trust me.

And to answer your question about mission loading behaviour: That's what it was like for two decades now. It's unlikely to change and millions of users got used to it.

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Re: Installing Ultrapack
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2021, 03:35:06 AM »

Ping >1000
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Re: Installing Ultrapack
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2021, 09:30:44 AM »

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Re: Installing Ultrapack
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2021, 09:38:02 AM »

Thinking out loud, you can have the best PC but if your bandwidth at home is being hogged, welp, that's also another reason for base not confirming on time, right?

Probably derailing the UP3 guide, so delete if needed.
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Re: Installing Ultrapack
« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2021, 10:22:01 AM »

Oh okay, got it.
Never mind re derailing a thread, IMHO anyone joining the UP3 band wagon at this time should be of senior player level sufficiently to wade his way through  8)

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Re: Installing Ultrapack
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2021, 08:27:02 PM »

 I think I found the problem. I'm posting this for all who might benefit from it.

  Now this is very strange behavior. I connect to the server and can't click on home base without it giving me the message blah blah u can't select this. So I went and ignored everyone who pm'd with helpful comments and used hyperlobby to connect to server (thank you for your helpful comments if anyone who helped reads this). This worked for a while. Even the missions I couldn't play before. But... Here's the strange part hyperlobby disconnected me from it's servers and I was no longer able to change my home base or fly at all. Then i clicked to desktop and checked hyper lobby... It reconnected and i was able to click on the home base again.. So if I had started off with hyper lobby this would explain it all. Yet I didn't. I didn't time how often hyper lobby disconnects but it happens enough to interrupt game play. Thing is I reinstalled the steam version  up to the latest update and I wasn't disconnected at all from hyper lobby and I flew 2 different servers running 4. blah blah steam version. Yesterday the server ping was in the green, now it's in the red.

I remember when this game came out and I remember when a certain someone cracked the source code. And the only way to play with mods was to use a pirated version of the game. It was still possible to play the game with modded skins but not new planes. And said company is no longer in business, not because of lost revenue from this site I take it? It's almost funny they kept releasing patch after patch to combat the crack source code, and keep "pirated" players from going online and playing MP for free. Thank you modders for making my purchased version modifiable. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

 Please excuse me. I am sorry "SAS~Storebror" that I offended you. You were doing what any tech at any company would do. Give a general reply without reading what I typed out. In other words you don't have a clue what the problem is so you give a reply out of the kindness of your heart. So instead of typing nothing, which you is up to you of course. But the information you gave me is not useful. I suppose you can take this as a personal attack or I'd rather you take it as I typed it. I can ask for tech support from a host of software companies and they will ask me. Did you check your power cord? Are you running windows. Yes. yes. Your not answering my question! Your not reading my responses your just skimming! No I am trying to help you. That's not called for. Now are you running windows. Yes!  ]banghead[

 I did follow your advice. I waited 5 minutes. Nothing. I waited 20 minutes. Nothing.

  I have a dual core cpu running at 3.4 ghz. 7 gb of 1600 mhz ram. 2 solid state drives sata 3. And I'm on fiber optic internet. Yes it's fast. When I unzipped/unrared the file set there were no errors. So I must conclude that it's not on my end. So either it's the code or the server.


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Re: Installing Ultrapack
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2021, 11:27:49 PM »

Now that we're running the server 24/7 and you're the only with said issues, I think we can rule that out.
And since we've got a whole squad using the same code like you do, we can basically rule that out as well.
Unless there's something different in your case, which we can rule out best if you could show us the logfile content after you experience said "Selected Home Base has no aircraft available at the moment." issue.

See here how to get the logfile content and how to post it:

Skip the "Only for 4.10 Users (...)" part please, you don't need that with latest Ultrapack versions.

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Re: Installing Ultrapack
« Reply #19 on: January 21, 2021, 04:48:04 PM »

 I went back to reinstalling everything. But I noticed that the directions on how to install are contradictory. In the video it shows patch 3.3 patch 8 enabled and not the 3.3 patch. I did this and the selector is titled as 3.5.0 and some missions I can play in multiplayer and some I can't. But down the post it says to enable 3.3 and then the 3.3 patch 8 patch as well. Now the game loads to 60% and crashes so now I can't play at all.

 Edit: I've added two screenshots to add to my confusion.

 As you can see (anyone) when both the 3.3 patch and the 3.3 8 patch are enabled I get the selector 3.5.2 (but it says patch 0) and when I have only patch 8 enabled then I get selector 3.5.0 ??

p.s Was I supposed to on a clean installation of the community patch 4.12 install 3 and 3.3 and 3.3 patch 8 to directory. Then enable through Jsgme 3... Then disable it? :P then enable 3.3 then disable it as well? :P then enable patch 8 and run game? 


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Re: Installing Ultrapack
« Reply #20 on: January 21, 2021, 09:47:59 PM »

@ throttle_control

After reading all your posts on this forum and your participation in the server's chat I have come to the following conclusions:
-you are one of those who consider that the main defect of the universe is that it does not turn around you
-you are a bit of a problematic and confrontational person
-it seems that your mother (or someone else) has told you so many times that you are unique, wonderful and special that you have started to believe it

During the last two hours I have been testing new installations of UP_3.3 according to existing instructions on this forum. I have done four in total on both 4.10.1 and 4.12.2m, in none of them I haven't found any problems (except for the requirement to activate Nvidia_Screenmode with patch 8, but I don't think you can call this a problem). I have connected to the server without any problems both directly and via Hyperlobby with all four installations. I would like to know what is your way of installation (no doubt incorrect), because I noticed that in your Generic Mod Enabler, where #UP#_Enable_UP3.3 doesn't change to #UP#_Enable_UP3.3###_OLD_DONT_ACTIVATE_### after installing patch 8 as it has done in all my installations. It might be a good idea to read the installation instructions carefully and try to install everything correctly. And in case of any doubts or problems, ask for explanations or help in a courteous and COHERENT way. Your "But I noticed that the directions on how to install are contradictory." shows that you do not read things carefully and completely (if I am wrong, I would be delighted if you could show me these contradictions).

I also see that you have Widescreen Support enabled...

As for the Home Base problem, as I have had it a few times I can assure you that it is not a problem of bad installation or malfunctioning of the server, it is easily solved as Storebror has answered, with patience. In my case sometimes connection problems were the reason (the fact that you have fibre does not guarantee anything, on highways there are also clogs at 20km/h).

I'm curious, where did you get this story about "remember when this game came out and I remember when a certain someone cracked the source code...."? sounds great, have you seen it on Netflix?

I'm not going to continue, because it's not worth it, I can only tell you that if I were a moderator, you wouldn't be here anymore...


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Re: Installing Ultrapack
« Reply #21 on: January 21, 2021, 10:34:43 PM »

I noticed that in your Generic Mod Enabler, where #UP#_Enable_UP3.3 doesn't change to #UP#_Enable_UP3.3###_OLD_DONT_ACTIVATE_### after installing patch 8 as it has done in all my installations.
And that's the core issue (besides activating Widescreen Support, which you must not do anymore).
At the end of Patch 8 installation process, a script is run automatically by the installer which copies files across from UP3.3 (unpatched) the the Patch 8 JSGME folder.

@ throttle_control:
The reason your Selector is outdated is because the script has never been run on your system.
The reason #UP#_Enable_UP3.3 didn't change to #UP#_Enable_UP3.3###_OLD_DONT_ACTIVATE_### is because the script has never been run on your system.
The reason you see all these issues is because the script has never been run on your system, as this leaves your game with several gigabytes of files missing.

Wild guess: You're one of the clever guys who think it's a better idea not to run an installer as-is but to use custom "tools" (7zip, winrar) to unpack it manually?

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Re: Installing Ultrapack
« Reply #22 on: January 21, 2021, 11:11:54 PM »

I noticed that in your Generic Mod Enabler, where #UP#_Enable_UP3.3 doesn't change to #UP#_Enable_UP3.3###_OLD_DONT_ACTIVATE_### after installing patch 8 as it has done in all my installations.
And that's the core issue (besides activating Widescreen Support, which you must not do anymore).
At the end of Patch 8 installation process, a script is run automatically by the installer which copies files across from UP3.3 (unpatched) the the Patch 8 JSGME folder.

@ throttle_control:
The reason your Selector is outdated is because the script has never been run on your system.
The reason #UP#_Enable_UP3.3 didn't change to #UP#_Enable_UP3.3###_OLD_DONT_ACTIVATE_### is because the script has never been run on your system.
The reason you see all these issues is because the script has never been run on your system, as this leaves your game with several gigabytes of files missing.

Wild guess: You're one of the clever guys who think it's a better idea not to run an installer as-is but to use custom "tools" (7zip, winrar) to unpack it manually?


 Yes your right. I did unpack it that way. Seeing as I have 7zip/winrar and most lol... Only need to use an installer if they don't have winrar. haha. great. that's embarrassing and a bit surprising. I usually skip and unzip as a matter of habit to avoid running scripts that might run viruses. Not that I'd think someone would post a virus here. Finally I can play all missions on the server. Thank you macgiver??? Thank you Storebror for clearing that up.

 @ Mac giver... Your telling me my questions are incoherent. Everyone problem solves in a different way. Your not the same Macgiver that plays on the multiplayer server are you?

You haven't played on the server since January 2016? :P



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Re: Installing Ultrapack
« Reply #23 on: January 21, 2021, 11:23:53 PM »

Mac giver... Your telling me my questions are incoherent. Everyone problem solves in a different way.
maygiver identified the core mistake you've made.
All credit goes to him.

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