Made as a request from Uzin for use on his WIP map of Transcaucasia here are the first two complete buildings made for that project, I have also broken them down into separate pieces to give map and mission builders the opportunity to maybe create some objects of their own in missions and during map builds.
These building objects are free to use by the community for projects for IL-2 1946 and not for personal or commercial gain for which permission is required.
Request thread and WIP here:,60258.0.htmlWIP map of Transcaucasia (There is also a thread at AviaSkins):,57803.0.htmlDadivank Monastery:
The modern Holy Trinity Cathedral in Tbilisi:
Mediafire link to objects: 6th September 2019.Some new lighter coloured textures for the Tbilisi Cathedral: is the third object built for the project, Etchmiadzin_Cathedral:
Broken down into individual objects:
Link updated 1st October 2019.Mediafire link: Cathedral now has all LODs and the main object has been broken down to create individual objects there are also new textures by Grief11.
Some are having trouble with this in their game, for me and others all is okay.
Thank you very much to Andrew, (Grief11) from AviaSkins for corrections to the Etchmiadini model.Grief11: Corrections to model, removed smoothing normals from shadows dead/live
and removed smoothing normals from collision box for live model. New
live and dead textures with alterations to lighting values in mat files.
The Monastery broken down into smaller objects:
The Cathedral broken down into smaller objects:
Peter Shaw aka Mission_bug: 3d objects, templates and original skins.
max_thehitman: New skins for the Dadivank Monastery.
See readme for further information including names of individuals who had previously made models that provided
the inspiration and templates for my work.
The broken down objects are from the complete building and were made specifically for that before I separated them
into smaller parts and were originally designed to butt against another surface, therefore, some have no rear face and
can be seen through.
Parts of those objects use alpha channels to make corridors or other openings that were also specific to the complete
buildings so you will need to adapt the alpha file in the templates for your own use as required and paint out the area
used previously for my openings or corridors.
All the objects are together in the download, it is up to individuals as to what exactly you add to your game, all entries
are included in two separate readme for the Cathedral and Monastery.
All objects have LODs.
There are some issues with lighting on some objects I was not able to solve so they remain until a fix can be found,
My templates are included in the download, however, both use my artwork, the improved textures for Dadivank were
made by Max from his own version of my template and that is not available.
If any of you create some plausible buildings from the objects I can if you provide a image maybe shrink/enlarge
various parts and attach them together to make new buildings for you and map them to new templates, however, I
can only spend short amounts of time with this project so if you can use the objects as they are it is better for all.
These objects are free to use by the IL-2 community, you are welcome to adapt the objects in the download as you please
for your own use and that of others here and at other IL-2 sites as long as you provide those free of charge, they are not
intended for commercial use of any kind without my permission.
I have no objections to the link being posted elsewhere, however, you must maintain that link yourself if it becomes inoperable,
any updates I make will only be done here in this thread as the request was made at SAS.
If anyone wants to add their changes, re-paints for instance, I will add their links in the first post if they make them available.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.