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Are you experiencing bug #17 (lines on ground) - https://gitlab.com/vrresto/il2ge/-/issues/17 - This is NOT bug #14 (https://gitlab.com/vrresto/il2ge/-/issues/14) - If yes see https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,61653.msg745021.html#msg745021

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Author Topic: graphics extender - bugs  (Read 69377 times)

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Re: graphics extender - bugs
« Reply #264 on: October 21, 2021, 10:51:21 PM »

Good day,

I posted this in the B.A.T. Tech Help forum and was told that my issue was 'a known bug' of Graphics Extender, which surprises me as I found no other mention of it.
Anyway, here it goes:

I am new to IL-2. I just installed it, with BAT (4.0+4.1+4.2), DGEN, the Single Missions Community Pack, Skin Collection, Graphics Extender, Carsmaster Water, il2ge_random_cirrus_textures.
So first of all, let me express my amazment and consideration for all the work achieved by modders and the community in general, and by the author of Graphics Extender in particular. It is very impressive.

I read all the installations instructions attentively and hopefully I have installed things properly (well, at least it runs lol).
However I have very visible lanscape seams:

I have and AMD VEGA 64 card

Here is my conf.ini

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Here is my il2ge.ini

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Here is my il2ge.log

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Re: graphics extender - bugs
« Reply #265 on: October 29, 2021, 04:15:57 AM »

It's right here: https://gitlab.com/vrresto/il2ge/-/issues/17  ;)

Could you try the builds mentioned there and report back (ideally in that thread) ?


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Re: graphics extender - bugs
« Reply #266 on: October 29, 2021, 05:18:08 PM »

Could you try the builds mentioned there and report back (ideally in that thread) ?

Good day and thank you for your answer.
To try any of the builds you pointed me to do I just install them on top of my existing setup or do I have to uninstall anything before (previous Graphics Extender, anything else...) and if so how?


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Re: graphics extender - bugs
« Reply #267 on: October 30, 2021, 07:32:56 AM »

You can install them on top of your existing setup  - no need to uninstall anything.


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Re: graphics extender - bugs
« Reply #268 on: October 30, 2021, 03:14:52 PM »

Good day.
Unfortunately I am too noob to be able to provide anything close to a 1:1 comparison: It would require me to be able to follow the exact same flight paths when instead I am already happy if I can keep my plane in the air for a while. For example I have been unable to find again the mountain range that I made a screenshot of in my earlier post.

Here are my impressions:
With both the versions "before" and "after" I had very markedly less many groundlines than with my original installation (downloaded from https://gitlab.com/vrresto/il2ge/-/releases )
The differences between the 'before' and 'after' versions are unfortunately not quite as marked and fall well within the margin of error that stems from my being enable to replicate identical fights.
My sensation though is that the 'after' version has thicker (and therefore more obtrusive) groundlines. They also seem to be slightly more numerous.

I think the good news is that both installers have reduced the frequency of those lines by such an extent that the problem is much less disrupting for the experience and I can enjoy the sensation of flight again. :)

If you have suggestions on how I could provide more accurate tests results, let me know.
Maybe if you could make an 'after' version exaggerating whatever differences you introduced as compared to 'before', it would help saying  with more certainty if it impoves of worsens the situation?



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Re: graphics extender - bugs
« Reply #269 on: October 30, 2021, 05:34:38 PM »

That's not really good news unfortunately. Both builds are from developement snaphots older than the current release (0.2.0).
I had suspected that the second build was the one introducing the bug.
But if the current release is worse than both builds, the bug must  have been introduced after the second build.
And I have no idea when that could have been.

I'm interested in how many are experiencing this bug and how many don't (I don't - that's why I'm having a hard time figuring out what's causing it).

I've created a poll about that - please everyone vote!


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Re: graphics extender - bugs
« Reply #270 on: October 30, 2021, 09:35:34 PM »

When I posted about these groundlines someone in the BAT forum underlined that the problem could have more than a single cause. In particular that maps with a strong contrast between ground and vegetation colours may make the lines much more visible:
"These lines are very reminiscent of an artifact that can manifest if there is a notable difference in tone between the forest texture (that is, the multi-layered forests used to cover large areas) and its corresponding ForestFar texture (a single texture that replaces the multi-layered forest at longer distance.) In those instances, the line is what I presume to be a forest edge texture. When I encounter this, I adjust the ForestFar.tga in use so that in tone (and hue) it merges nicely with the nearer forests. This makes these lines invisible due to being 'camouflaged.'

I point this out so that y'all know that not all such map lines share only one cause."

I indeed use a map where ground and vegetation are very contrasted (the one proposed by default when opening the Quick Mission Builder: BAT_Aleutians)
Maybe you and others will have an easier time replicating the problem on such maps?.


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Re: graphics extender - bugs
« Reply #271 on: November 05, 2021, 01:38:58 PM »

As far as I remember that bug was solved for me in the latest GE version after I switched off textures anisotropy filetring in NVidia control panel.


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Re: graphics extender - bugs
« Reply #272 on: November 05, 2021, 02:51:38 PM »

When I posted about these groundlines someone in the BAT forum underlined that the problem could have more than a single cause. In particular that maps with a strong contrast between ground and vegetation colours may make the lines much more visible:
"These lines are very reminiscent of an artifact that can manifest if there is a notable difference in tone between the forest texture (that is, the multi-layered forests used to cover large areas) and its corresponding ForestFar texture (a single texture that replaces the multi-layered forest at longer distance.) In those instances, the line is what I presume to be a forest edge texture. When I encounter this, I adjust the ForestFar.tga in use so that in tone (and hue) it merges nicely with the nearer forests. This makes these lines invisible due to being 'camouflaged.'

I point this out so that y'all know that not all such map lines share only one cause."

I indeed use a map where ground and vegetation are very contrasted (the one proposed by default when opening the Quick Mission Builder: BAT_Aleutians)
Maybe you and others will have an easier time replicating the problem on such maps?.

The forest textures don't seem to be connected to this particular bug .
As you can see here the lines are only visible in areas without forest:

As far as I remember that bug was solved for me in the latest GE version after I switched off textures anisotropy filetring in NVidia control panel.

That was a different bug which was fixed: https://gitlab.com/vrresto/il2ge/-/issues/14


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Re: graphics extender - bugs
« Reply #273 on: November 05, 2021, 03:16:05 PM »

The lines appeared for me on some certain maps with BAT
With HSFX there were none
If you want, I can post a log and some screens
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Re: graphics extender - bugs
« Reply #274 on: November 06, 2021, 01:40:41 PM »

Screenshots can't hurt, but the log won't help with these kind of artifacts.


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Re: graphics extender - bugs
« Reply #275 on: November 07, 2021, 05:05:59 AM »

My most notable encounter is on the Iraq map by Filippo1995

Another common artifact is shifted shorelines on rivers with lines more visible from a distance

The latter 2 are from the Vietnam Online map
It happens on other maps too but I don't have screens and it's uncommon actually, except for certain maps
What I tend to notice that these only appear around bodies of water for me

I use the very same build (0.2.0) I used in HSFX that had absolutely no artifacts
Also I have the other bug when the map ends sooner than the actual edge and cities, roads, trees, airfields and all those stuff are on water like for some other players

I have an AMD Radeon HD5670 gpu if that counts

My GE settinx:
Code: [Select]
# enable graphics extender

# disabling this gives higher fps but looks bad

# enable terrain bumpmapping

# cirrus clouds - experimental

# enable shader for transparent objects - experimental

# experimental

If you need more info, tell me any way I can help
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