I'm just starting out so take it with a grain of salt.
try to ignore my typo's for i'm techicaly visually impared enough that i'm not allowed to drive.
so I'm trying my hand @ il2 maps..lol I know wtf is this guy thinking.
anyways I got started by redoing the NetMountian.rds ,my buddies & I like to fly mounntians,& i just ventured into IL2DCG & the roads where lacking there so I made my own & added them to the file base,it worked out good.
so I started with the Manan demo & it loaded the 1st try & i thought nothing to this.
I've made 3 versions so far & all 3 have turned to crap once you zoom in to near full then all my inlets lakes,rivers etc fill in & become dry land?
im using gimp 2.10.10 some variance with selections compared to the tutorial but I think i fif it all in the correct order,
the base files came from view finder panarama.org no clue to resolution but when scaling they started out @ 406 pixel's i beleive.
vp modpack ,modact 5.3
so here's the media fire link
https://www.mediafire.com/file/a4anwnejg4i1h1a/Vanisle.7z/file (https: in frt im not allowed links yet)
I've put a cple markers on there to show where,how ever seems pick any inlet etc & you'll see.
I reopend my map_h & looked closer & most of it was 27,27,27 so i repainted It 0,0,0 @ a higher zoom level but reloaded it & there was no change.
also in the water any @ water full zoom shows the grid matrix?
thats the main reason for deleting it 3x so now I'm asking for a lil guidance.
I worry about how to fill in the textures If i can make it @ least semi decent.
Thnx Gold