Version V.1.2:
Code reviewed, some code lines improved for better speed.
New in version V.1.1:
Functions to list or to delete multiple static.ini entrys and to renumber the objects or to remove the numbers.
Before deleting objects or renumbering a copy of the existing static.ini is made with the date, hour and minute of the copy. No further action will be taken if the copying failes whyever. So there allways is a security copy. I tested the funcitions carfully but can not garanty that there is no malfunction no matter what the conditions are. So i recomend to keep the copy. It is stored in the related static.ini folder.
If you use a renumbered static.ini, use the renumber function to update the numbers. There is no need to remove the numbers first.
If your static.ini allready is renumbered, the renumber function works only if the numbering is in the universal.static.iniChecker format, but i don't know any other tool that renumbers the objects.
This tool i wrote just as i wanted to know how the universal.static.ini.checker works. It has the same funcionality limited to find missing objects. But it is a little bit more confortable here, as it stores pathes to several installations and so you can check the questionable static.ini simply by clicking onto one of the pathes so there is no need to redefine the path to the static.ini everytime.
Define your static.ini file pathes with 'Edit static.ini pathes/Select new Static.ini path" and using than the file requester first. Thise pathes will be something like "(game)\Bat\#SAS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects\static.ini".
Delete a wrong or obsolete entry with 'Edit static.ini pathes/Delete path to static.ini' and click left than onto the path to delete.
To select the static.ini you want to check click left onto the static.ini path entry in question.
Than click "Select actors.static" and select the actors.static in question with the file requester.
If all objects are found in the static.ini, the message "All objects found in your static.ini" is shown, otherwise the "MissingObjects.txt" is created and opened. Its the same as with the univ.checker here.
If the object 'buildings.House$]SEchurch10' is listed, you need a fixed actors.static and static.ini entry without that bracket in the middle.
You may download the tool here: report any flaws.