Solved !
Thank you SpongeBob
Hello again!
I forgot to explain a perhaps little known tricky issue. When creating campaigns, a campaign.ini file must be included. It has the following general format:
The /Main/ section describes the side you fly for (CampaignRed or CampaignBlue), and the systems awards are obtained.
Here is the trick: AwardsRUfighter means you will get your medals following the Soviet way, in which some medals are awarded more than once.
On the contrary, AwardsDEfighter does not imply anything about Germany, it just means that medals are awarded in a sequential order.
See the differences with these two examples:
French campaign after a score of 25000 points - AwardsDEfighter mode:
All medals are obtained in the original sequence.
French campaign after a score of 25000 points - AwardsRUfighter mode:
As you can see, the military medal is awarded three times, and the Silver Palm for the War Cross has been replaced by the higher-ranked Legion of Honor.
I recommend to set all Great War campaign in AwardsDEfighter mode. You can safely change this before starting a campaign.
Very important
I recommend to set all campaigns in AwardsDEfighter mode. You can safely change this before starting a campaign.
I checked it ! Does work in all mods of the game...