Hi Guys,
I have a few models I use as references when coding, they are very handy when working out scales and positions.
They take up too much space on my desk, so I looked around for display stands that could free up some space, but there was nothing.
So I decided to build my own.
I picked up some balsa sheets (150 by 100 by 2) and some balsa rods (3.6 by 3.6 by 350) glue and fake grass and got started.
I took one sheet and glued rods along the bottom to create a base.
Then glued bars together to create three uprights
I cut a hole in the base at the centre of one edge the same size as a bar and glued on in as a central upright.
Then took the other two bars and offered them up, drew around them, and trimmed them to shape. Then cut holes at the edge of the base to accept them.
I reinforced the base by gluing another rod along the edge of the base where the rods connect to it, then glued two more bars to the frame where I wanted two more shelves.
I then created my shelves by gluing a rod along a single edge
I painted the two shelves and the base with PVA glue and flocked them.
Now they will warp and bend,but don't panic. They will go flat again overnight.
Once that had dried I glued the shelves onto the a frame and reinforced them with another bar along the top, then left it overnight to dry.
The result is surprisingly strong , it needs painting, but that can wait.
Hope this gives you guys some ideas.