I'm making changes to some of the missions. I hope you don't mind me doing this - it in no way means I don't like the missions and the work you've done is far better than what I've done in my old campaigns; the level of detail is out of this world.
The only thing is, these missions will not open in FMB like this.
this map is a bit different than the Darwin version listed currently, most likely an older instance of the same thing. I plan to list this map as well in a next BAT patch.
Okay!! That sorted that. I just pasted the following line into the all.ini file under "Darwin_42 Darwin_Dili_Ambon_42/load.ini":
NTL_Darwin_Small NTL_Darwin_Small/NTL_Darwin_Small_load.ini
The map and mission now open in FMB.
I've just started the campaign but, being an inveterate fighter pilot (there are only two types of aircraft: fighters and targets), I don't like flying targets! I placed myself in a Corsair in the first mission and helped to escort the Black Cat. After that I went through some of the mission.properties files and found the ones where you fly the C47. I wanted to alter these but the map wouldn't open, as you said, in FMB. Now it does. The changes I'm making allow me to start at the lowest rank, placing me in a plane other than the lead, and working my way up to squadron lead.
Slightly off topic but related to:
Indeed the map is not listed but all the necessary files are there as it seems, burried in some old SFS files...
Is there a way to get the very old, original, Ardennes map? The one where the airbase at Asth is on the bluff and has concrete taxiways, ramps and runway. My buddy and I made a lot of missions on that map from back in DBW days and I'd like to be able to bring them over and play them. It seems the text "Ardennes/sload.ini" usurps the same text used in DBW and gives the newer version of the map.