Excellent 'blog-like' progress report! And good work, with an admirable attention to detail.
Glad you like the progress so far WxTech, thank you very much for the kind words, really appreciated.
I like to add each bit of the development in here so those interested in the subject can follow what I do
and hopefully from my input and that from you and others help them with their own projects, they can
ask questions if they like of things I post if it is something they have difficulty with, that way hopefully
even if I cannot answer them maybe others looking in can, it also keeps a little activity going in the forum
so we all have things to read and tinker with if we feel the need.
There is nothing more frustrating than looking all over the place for answers to things that can probably
be described in a few words here if the question is asked in the right place, I also hope it might inspire others
to have a go.
Oh, Lordy, how I envy you the use of 3D creation software! My Poor Man's 3D Package, a spreadsheet application, is brutishly crude by comparison. I can only dream about how much *faster* I could work with such a slick tool.
I have to tip my hat to you on that, I have the advantage of at least being able to see what I am trying
to fix, how you do it with a spreadsheet is awesome.
I have mentioned before that there are free applications, gmax and Blender, I think there are links here in the
forum somewhere to point you in the right direction and enough links to tutorials to get you going, you only
need to ask if you have any difficulty setting up. I use gmax but others use Blender so between us we should
at least be able to get you started once you have downloaded the programs, be aware though it is along time
ago since I set mine up so I might not be the best teacher.
The rudder has proved to be as annoying as the elevators, I cannot believe how much time I spent today in between
catching up on the football just trying to get rid of such a small problem area.
Eventually I had to add strips to separate some faces, especially on the top:
Anyway, the rudder is done and the Co-Commons and shadows added so I think I have now
gone as far as I really want to with this I just need to add the parts to the other models and
update the skins again and we should be done:
Never again, how many times have I said that I wonder.
I am going to bed now, I have a headache and can feel a nervous breakdown coming on.
Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.