Hello guys, I know it has been some time since this had its last update but finally I am going
to do something that has been on the back burner for far too long, fix the damage model.
The current model uses another aircraft as its base and so has retained the previous damage parts from that,
I had started to look at the damage model after sorting the weapons but life issues got in the way and this was
left gathering dust on the H.D.
So far I have got the first German type using the D1 and D2 damage model parts actually from the Hs-126, replacing what
was there before from the previous model that the Henshel was built on, we can see the damage decals appearing and the
parts once separated after a explosion belong to the Henshel, this has to be done for each of the models and I need to be
careful as some things differ so I cannot just do one and chuck those parts into the other folders:
Doing that part is relatively straight forward as we just replicate the existing Henshel parts, however, the
big problem comes with the caps that are also using parts from the earlier aircraft:
These will have to be made, even simple aerofoil parts to cover the existing holes with a few spars will take
time to make and map to the existing template, there will also need to be a new damaged prop as well, anyway,
I had already started this so will take a look at it over the next few weeks or so to see what I can fabricate.
I have already made a start, more madness and mayhem ahead.
Okay then, away we go, all the parts are in the 3d program, and have been cloned to make the caps.
Not sure how much I will detail this, I have made a blanking piece to fit over each wing end because the
parts have no internal skin, not going there it will mean doing all the parts, let's see how it develops though,
who knows as I get going just what will happen or how long it will take:
Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.