FWIW, I recently upgraded my computer with an Nvidia 2060 Pro OC Gfx card, and a Dell Gaming monitor that is compliant with some new features that the Nvidia card offers.
Prior to this point, I used an Nvidia 1030 Gfx card, and a decent LED Samsung monitor.
All the above on Win 10 systems.
The point to all this is that I was never able to activate the "Shadows" feature within the in-game selections, until I upgraded my system. All other in-game Gfx selections were either enabled, or set to max level.
Now that I have installed the "Widscreen" fix (which includes the "csfix), and what with all the upgrades, the "Shadows" feature is finally available. I activated it, and the visual aspect of Crimson Skies is stunningly enhanced.
Not sure which upgrade(s) allowed the "Shadows" feature to be enabled, but the visual nature of even this old sim is VASTLY improved. Night and day difference. So, do yourself a favor, and if you have Crimson Skies up and running, try to enable the "Shadows" feature within the in-game graphics selections. You might pleasantly surprised.
ETA: It is certain that an Nvidia 1050 Ti GPU will allow the Gfx features locked-out by an Nvidia GT 730 GPU. IOW, ALL Gfx features turned-up to max level, and ALL features being available. This level of graphics is quite transformative, and brings this old game up to the level where it is both vastly improved from what most folks have seen, and it compares well with more modern sims.