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Author Topic: CRIMSON B.A.T. v2 - Astounding Air Adventures!  (Read 12731 times)

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CRIMSON B.A.T. v2 - Astounding Air Adventures!
« on: September 08, 2019, 10:19:57 AM »

22 Missions of Dashing Aerial Adventures!

Version 2: Now with dockable Zeppelins!

All the Dragonfly39 types in BAT WAW can dock with the "Dieselpunk" Franken-Zeppelin!
And that one has teeth too: ten .50 cal guns in four gun turrets will now judge you now!

A few minor adjustments have been made to some missions: A few message triggers were used, a real lighthouse for the lighthouse mission and such things.

The Dragonfly 39 can go extremely slow with full flaps and therefore is ideal for docking maneuvers. But be cautious, do not deploy flaps to 100% until you have slowed down or you may loose control and get "snappy" reactions from the flightmodel.

All "regular" aircraft can not dock, since this requires specific java treatment and the ability to go slow enough.

One docking port per Zeppelin, only players can dock, AI can not perform this.

The year is 1937. The United States has shattered under the weight of the Great Depression, regional Prohibition and mounting isolationism. The transcontinental railroad and the budding highway system have become useless as they now cross hostile borders. Commerce and trade leave the ground as air travel—once a national obsession—now becomes a vital lifeline connecting allied countries. Giant zeppelins crisscross the skies, carrying both passengers and cargo. It is a time of gunship diplomacy and airship piracy. It is the age of the fighter pilot and a time of daredevil adventure and sinister intrigue. It is the world of Crimson Skies…

You are Nathan Zachary, Skipper of the notorious Fortune Hunters and their mighty carrier Zeppelin Pandora.  Nathan Zachary is a man of contradictions. On the one hand, he is the Machiavellian, scheming plotter—a master criminal, a daring thief and a deadly combatant (both in and out of the cockpit). On the other hand, he only steals from the vulgar rich, and never knowingly allows the innocent to come to harm during his raids...

This campaign is built after the original computer game that came out in 2000 with maps and planes available in B.A.T.  The end of the storyline is different and my own creation.

This campaign was made on and for BAT 3.7.x to be played in the World at War (WAW) module.
It is best played with the BAT 3.7.2 patch as it contains a much sturdier damage model for the Zeppelin. It won't die after just one canon hit....

In the game, in the campaign section go to Nation „None“ and select the campaign „Crimson Skies - BAT WAW“. The campaign is 22 missions long, most of then around 10 minutes of action.

-Select highest rank – you are Nathan Zachary, the Skipper of the Fortune Hunters!
-I suggest to play this with No Instant Success to ON - achieving mission objectives is kind of the point…

Realism? Well… This is Crimson Skies. Do as you please.
-You may turn off redout/blackout to be able to pull the wildest maneuvers
-You may turn off overheat to be able to burn that engine like hell

We can't dock with the Zeppelin so most missions will begin as *air start* under the belly of the Zepp. You can end the missions after achieving the "Mission Complete" message for whatever your objective was or fly around a bit and find the Pandora

The campaign path is:
If this path is not kept, the videos will not play! In BAT, the NN folder comes with ranks and some special awards.
The skins were made by myself for this campaign.
Special thanks to Paulus for the Dragonflies

In the download find three .pdf files:
-read me
-aircraft guide
-guide to the Hollywood race course (for those with trouble mastering it)

Crimson Skies was developed by Jordan Weisman

Enjoy CRIMSON B.A.T. v2  8)


v2.1: missing Bf-109Z skin included

Here's an add-on for atmosphere - a Russian female voice pack to be activated through JSGME
I comes in handy towards the end when you're flying alongside the Black Swan...
(by Feathered_IV)



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Re: CRIMSON B.A.T. - Astounding Air Adventures!
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2019, 10:35:48 AM »

Looks very good! Reminds me of the anime The Magnificent Kotobuki.


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Re: CRIMSON B.A.T. - Astounding Air Adventures!
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2019, 10:36:47 AM »

I wonder what that campaign is like for someone who never played Crimson Skies....


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Re: CRIMSON B.A.T. - Astounding Air Adventures!
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2019, 12:22:51 PM »

A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! Can't wait. Thank you for this!


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Re: CRIMSON B.A.T. - Astounding Air Adventures!
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2019, 09:39:02 PM »

Looks very good! Reminds me of the anime The Magnificent Kotobuki.

I'd love to see a campaign of Kotobuki. (I made a skin in my free time but someone else could definitely do better.)

Going back to the main topic of the post, though, gonna give this one a download and trial later!


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Re: CRIMSON B.A.T. - Astounding Air Adventures!
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2019, 01:38:51 AM »

Will try this... Crimson Skies was a lot of fun long time ago!


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Re: CRIMSON B.A.T. - Astounding Air Adventures!
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2019, 01:40:50 PM »

So many memories! Now it time to test the IL2 version. Thanks!


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Re: CRIMSON B.A.T. - Astounding Air Adventures!
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2019, 09:17:54 PM »

Excellent!!  I have the original Crimson disc, but I can only play it in my WIN XP rig, which I kept for those older games.  Can't wait to fly this one.  Thank you!!



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Re: CRIMSON B.A.T. - Astounding Air Adventures!
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2019, 05:51:20 AM »

  I have it running fine on win 7  https://www.play-old-pc-games.com/2016/06/10/crimson-skies/

  Going to try Win 10 later   

  And now have SAS~vampire_pilots mod for BAT and I'm loving it..
Semper Fi


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Re: CRIMSON B.A.T. - Astounding Air Adventures!
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2019, 01:36:42 PM »

Let's see that ! :)

I'll post another message to give my opinion about that ! Because I'm a huge Crimson Skies fan ;)


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Re: CRIMSON B.A.T. - Astounding Air Adventures!
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2019, 07:24:31 PM »

Really want to try this campaign, but when I select "None" in the campaign screen I can't choose any campaign or rank.  Skins are great though!


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Re: CRIMSON B.A.T. - Astounding Air Adventures!
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2019, 01:07:51 AM »

You probably have an empty NN folder without ranks? Check that please and see how that campaign folder looks like.

That's highly unusual because BAT should have installed a fully functional NN folder at some point for you. (icon, customized BAT awards and a rank file) So if it's missing it might indicate you either did something to that folder yourself or your installation has a kink....
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