This is a semi-historical, 8-mission static campaign, set in November and December 1943, when the RAF Bomber Command opened its big Offensive against Berlin. You are a German Night Fighter pilot, flying the Junkers Ju-88C6 and participating in the defense of the capital. (In one mission you will fly the FW-190A5.)
You can download it here: dates, weather and general outlines of the specific raids tries to follow history, as close as is possible within the limits of the game engine. All the historical info about the raids, losses, their effects etc, are historically correct.
The British bombing campaign on Berlin lasted from November 1943 to March 1944. The campaign was launched by Arthur "Bomber" Harris, AOC of RAF Bomber Command in November 1943. Encouraged by the recent success in bombing Hamburg - an operation which had caused a massive loss of civilian life - Harris believed this could be the blow which broke German resistance: "It will cost us between 400 and 500 aircraft. It will cost Germany the war." By this time he could deploy over 800 long-range bombers on any given night. Between November 1943 and March 1944 Bomber Command made 16 massed attacks on Berlin.
It is generally accepted that the Battle of Berlin was a failure for the RAF as it was not the knockout blow that Harris had predicted and during the battle, the RAF lost 1,047 bombers, with a further 1,682 damaged, and well over 7,000 aircrew. Despite the devastation and human loss they caused, however, these raids failed to achieve their objectives. German civilian morale did not break, the city's defences and essential services were maintained, and war production in greater Berlin did not fall: in fact German war production continued to rise until the end of 1944. Area bombing consistently failed to meet its stated objective, which was to win the war by bombing Germany until its economy and civilian morale collapsed.
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