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Author Topic: USN Enhanced Carrier Air Group Fighter Campaign for DGen  (Read 13820 times)

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USN Enhanced Carrier Air Group Fighter Campaign for DGen
« on: September 24, 2019, 04:58:55 PM »

USN Enhanced Carrier Air Group Fighter Campaign for DGen

File: https://mega.nz/#!XvBhDQgZ!UftQ_5RwFjU61Hw0XpCNwdiTHrF_vf5DJuUOlWAlu-c
(Link updated w/ new ReadMe on 08/28.)

1. All files - both base and updates - from the BAT DGen thread here:
2. Be sure to download the skin packs too - some good stuff there.

1. Just copy over to your root Il-2 1946 directory - the folders are already 
set up.
2. Back-up the DGen files in case you want to revert back.

a. I rate these revisions as semi-historical as I've tried to use time-frame 
appropriate plane sets as much as was possible.
b. Example 1; No carrier based F4F3's after the Coral Sea.
c. Example 2; Say goodbye to the SBD after the Marianas.
d. Example 3; Say hello to the SB2C for the Marianas Op.
e. Example 4; Lots of Jills and Judys to shoot at during the Turkey Shoot.
f. Exception; The last Op - Raiding the Japanese home islands let's you 
select the F8F Bearcat if you so choose.  Not historically accurate but fun
to pit them against late war IJN/JAF types.

Suggested plan type selections:
CoralSea CoralSea, May 1942   = F4F-3
Midway Midway, June 1942   = F4F-4
Guadal1 Guadalcanal, August 1942 = F4F-4
SantaCruz Santa Cruz, October 1942 = F4F-4
Tarawa Tarawa, November 1943   = F6F-3
Marianas2 Marianas, June 1944   = F6F-3
Palau Palau, September 1944   = F6F-3
Iwo Iwo Jima, February 1945   = F6F-5
Chichi Chichi Jima, March 1945   = F6F-5
Okinawa Okinawa, April 1945   = F6F-5
Japan1 Japan, June 1945      = F6F-5 OR F8F-2

Please let me know if there are any issues/errors. HAVE FUN!!



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Re: USN Enhanced Carrier Air Group Fighter Campaign for DGen
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2019, 05:03:44 PM »


R0NNC0'S excellent Pacific theatre skins.
These are very high quality - and hard to find.
And they should be part of any IL-2 skin collection.

So enjoy!

File: https://mega.nz/#!nrBwVCab!87XfBlb1FZjhwKjm4q94y1BXtyA9WeLkvilgD5stJs4

...and salute to R0NNC0, wherever you are.



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Re: USN Enhanced Carrier Air Group Fighter Campaign for DGen
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2019, 10:25:38 PM »

Many thanks for starting this new kind of addition for BAT :)

3. IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!  DELETE the following "XXXplane" DGen file as this
file will trump the entries made to the revised "PacificPlanes.dat" file:

I do not have a TarawaPlanes.dat file to begin with?
It's not part of the DGEN BAT pack, so if you have this file, you didn't install that properly!


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Re: USN Enhanced Carrier Air Group Fighter Campaign for DGen
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2019, 06:03:56 AM »

I do not have a TarawaPlanes.dat file to begin with?
It's not part of the DGEN BAT pack, so if you have this file, you didn't install that properly!

Hmmm...might be a hold over from an earlier iteration - I tend to go my own way on some things.   ;)

ReadMe in the download file corrected.


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Re: USN Enhanced Carrier Air Group Fighter Campaign for DGen
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2019, 03:56:11 AM »

Having some difficulties here. Followed the steps, when I select the campaign, I can't get past the selection screen for a rank and difficultie, it's a white screen after that..

End of the DGen.log:

Mission done

New Campaign OK

Wrong command lineWrong command line


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Re: USN Enhanced Carrier Air Group Fighter Campaign for DGen
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2019, 08:24:34 AM »

Having some difficulties here. Followed the steps, when I select the campaign, I can't get past the selection screen for a rank and difficultie, it's a white screen after that..

End of the DGen.log:

Mission done

New Campaign OK

Wrong command lineWrong command line

Hmm....did you install the BAT DGEN files:

1. All files - both base and updates - from the BAT DGen thread here:


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Re: USN Enhanced Carrier Air Group Fighter Campaign for DGen
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2019, 10:05:12 AM »

Yes sir, installed v1.2 and patched it with the v4.0 patch as well.


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Re: USN Enhanced Carrier Air Group Fighter Campaign for DGen
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2019, 09:17:06 AM »

Sorry I really can't hep you as I've never experienced that kind of error before.


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Re: USN Enhanced Carrier Air Group Fighter Campaign for DGen
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2019, 09:57:59 AM »

show us your conf.ini DGEN settings


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Re: USN Enhanced Carrier Air Group Fighter Campaign for DGen
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2019, 02:28:46 PM »

I followed the directions, I think, but when I try to start the campaign, I pass to a blank BAT Mission page, and freezes. My DGen log tells me "Wrongcommandline." Below, please find my conf.ini Dgen section and my DGen Log results. Any help appreciated.


Code: [Select]
= DGen (17/04/08) =
seed: 158334618
DGen initialization. Side: de, Rank: 0
Career ID: De}
ReadDB sorties:1

PlayerWing found:I_LG2
Blue skill set: 5 75 20
Red skill set: 3 30 40
TestWing(f,s): Stab_JG27 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG27 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG27 0 00
TestWing(f,s): 356squadriglia 0 00
TestWing(f,s): 356squadriglia 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No033SQN 0 00
Inherits operations from DGen\ops41afr.dat
Dangerous areas
Red:2 Blue:1
Sunset: Art:0 HQ:1 Rail:0 Dep:1 Prt:0 Trp:0 Car:1 Trn:0 Tnk:2 Bdg:0
Victoria: Art:1 HQ:4 Rail:0 Dep:1 Prt:0 Trp:0 Car:3 Trn:0 Tnk:1 Bdg:0
Monfort: Art:0 HQ:2 Rail:0 Dep:0 Prt:0 Trp:0 Car:0 Trn:0 Tnk:0 Bdg:0
Camello: Art:1 HQ:2 Rail:0 Dep:2 Prt:0 Trp:0 Car:3 Trn:0 Tnk:10 Bdg:0
Drypoint: Art:2 HQ:4 Rail:0 Dep:2 Prt:0 Trp:0 Car:5 Trn:0 Tnk:17 Bdg:0
Casaloma: Art:0 HQ:1 Rail:0 Dep:0 Prt:1 Trp:0 Car:0 Trn:0 Tnk:1 Bdg:0
Rocas: Art:2 HQ:4 Rail:0 Dep:2 Prt:0 Trp:0 Car:3 Trn:0 Tnk:18 Bdg:0
Arenas: Art:2 HQ:3 Rail:0 Dep:2 Prt:1 Trp:0 Car:4 Trn:0 Tnk:17 Bdg:0
prefDistance: 60001.000000 variation: 60001.000000 numSites: 8 caps: 28
Drypoint: Art:2 HQ:4 Rail:0 Dep:2 Prt:0 Trp:0 Car:5 Trn:0 Tnk:17 Bdg:0
oDeAttackCluster 00101:50509 VVS 0F LW 2Y 2F
Variant selected
GetWing(f,s): I_LG2 0 00
Default skill distribution Ru:3 30 40 De:5 75 20
Losses Ru:0 De:0 Kills Ru:0 De:0 AceFactor Ru:0 De:0 LossFactor Ru:0 De:0
GetWing(f,w): 356squadriglia 0 00
Enemy hunters
GetWing(f,w): RAF_No112SQN 0 00
Our returning
GetWing(f,w): g01 0 00
After Random Flights
Before saving mission
before lb.WriteHeader
Ready to write mission
Setting Squadron and Generic skins
Writing mission
Writing player
Writing wings
Writing wing details
adjusted: 2 1 2 2
i=0, nplanes=2
Processing our squad member: Group # 0, Pilot # 0
Senior officer found
Processing our squad member: Group # 0, Pilot # 1
It is your place
Setting skill level
Waldheim: 41 sorties, 3 air, 20 ground -Ace
Basco: 0 sorties, 0 air, 0 ground -Rookie
corrected for difficulty: 3 0 2 2
Writing waypoints
adjusted: 2 2 2 2
i=1, nplanes=2
356squadriglia00 - Not our pilot
356squadriglia00 - Not our pilot
Setting skill level
corrected for difficulty: 2 2 2 2
Writing waypoints
adjusted: 2 2 2 2
i=2, nplanes=4
RAF_No112SQN00 - Not our pilot
RAF_No112SQN00 - Not our pilot
RAF_No112SQN00 - Not our pilot
RAF_No112SQN00 - Not our pilot
Setting skill level
corrected for difficulty: 2 2 2 2
Writing waypoints
adjusted: 2 1 1 1
i=3, nplanes=4
g0100 - Not our pilot
g0100 - Not our pilot
g0100 - Not our pilot
g0100 - Not our pilot
Setting skill level
corrected for difficulty: 2 1 1 1
Writing waypoints
Writing moving groups
Writing static
Writing target
Writing properties
Mission done
Wrong command lineWrong command line


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Re: USN Enhanced Carrier Air Group Fighter Campaign for DGen
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2019, 10:13:04 PM »

This log does not belong to the USN campaign, but some German Africa campaign.
Do other DGen campaigns work?

Maybe you didn't install everything right?


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Re: USN Enhanced Carrier Air Group Fighter Campaign for DGen
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2019, 02:58:05 PM »

I'm sure I installed it wrong. My DGen Log repeats "Wrong command lineWrong command line."
What I did was as follows:
1. Downloaded and extracted via 7zip in a new folder.
2. I had a folder named, as above in Subject line.
3.The contents of that folder were two folders entitled "Dgen" and "Paint Schemes."
4.The installation instructions read, "Just copy over to your root Il 2 1946 directory-the folders already set up."
5. So pasted the USN.... folder into the root folder, but was unable to find the folder. I then transferred the USN.... folder to the Campaigns/UN folder-no luck.
6.At that point, I opened the USN...folder and saw the two sub-folders, and installed them in the BAT game folder and removed the folder from the UN folder in Campaigns.
7. I updated the BAT Dgen folder and installed it in the game folder.
Now, I can see the USN... in  the UN Campaigns folder in the UN Pilot Career game page. I can start the first step in in the New Career page, but when I try to generate the campaign, I get the whit. page BAT page.

Sorry to be so long winded, but I can't figure what I've done wrong.
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