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Author Topic: PV-1 Ventura - Vought SB2U - Vought V-156F - Vought Chesapeake  (Read 42858 times)

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p108 runs well in bat 3.7 modded. Are there plans to do a patch to man the guns positions and others. Also, the A version with 102mm anti-ship gun?


P108 in flight.
In response to a request in November 1942, the P.108A Artigliere "gunship" was developed for anti-shipping duties to supplement torpedo bombers. It was armed with a modified high velocity Cannone da 90/53 gun mounted in a redesigned nose. This was considered the most effective artillery piece in service, and in several versions was used as an anti-aircraft and anti-tank gun by the Army and the Navy. To be more effective in its new role, the size of the gun was increased from 90 mm (3.5 in) to 102 mm (4 in), a non-standard Italian artillery calibre, and fired shells weighing 13 kg (29 lb) as opposed to the standard gun's 10 kg (22 lb), with a muzzle velocity of over 600 m/s (1,970 ft/s).The gun together with its recoil system weighed 1,500 kg (3,300 lb).[10] Due to it being a re-bored smaller gun, its weight was relatively low for its calibre.

The P.108A concept was in line with other contemporary developments, as medium bombers such as the North American B-25 Mitchell and even smaller attack-aircraft like the Henschel Hs 129 were being fitted with high-velocity 75 mm (3 in) guns.

The gun was mounted longitudinally in the fuselage centreline, at a depressed angle, and had a powerful recoil, which the 27 tonne (30 ton) airframe was able to absorb. The amount of ammunition that could be carried was around 50-60 rounds for the main gun, as well as up to three standard torpedoes or two radio-guided torpedoes[citation needed] (a secret weapon which was never used in combat), and for the defensive wing and fuselage turrets. The 102 mm (4 in) gun was intended to be fitted with a ballistic sight with an analogue computer, and a six or 12 round mechanical loader.[5]

Initial modifications were made to MM.24318 which on 16 December 1942 flew to Savona. The modifications were completed in February 1943, and testing commenced on 3 March.

Testing of the P.108A was satisfactory, achieving a maximum speed of around 440 km/h (270 mph) due to aerodynamic redesigning. It flew to Furbara on 19 March, and later to Pisa on 16 April, where it carried out a series of firing trials at altitudes between 1,500 and 4,500 m (4,900 and 14,800 ft) to collect the ballistic data that was required to allow the computing gunsight to be produced.[11] After totalling 24 hr, 40 min of flight and weapons trials, it returned to Albenga. It was presented as the new official attack machine at Furbara on 22 May, and it was planned to build five further P.108As, as well as converting between five or possibly all P.108s available. But on 29 June, it was decided to produce no more than five aircraft, and in July, the order was further limited to two, and eventually cancelled. On 6 and 8 September, the lone P.108A made other weapons tests over the sea, finally equipped with the S.Giorgio calibration/aiming system.[5] German forces took control of the P.108A and painted it in their insignia, but it was damaged soon afterwards by Allied bombing. Repaired by 7 April 1944, it finally flew to Rechlin where it was probably destroyed in one of the many Allied bombing raids.

Although the P.108A proved to be capable, and fired over 280 shells in testing, the Armistice and the never-ending change of priorities halted its development. The use of such large aircraft in a dangerous anti-ship role was however questionable (though the USA very successfully used B-17s to skip-bomb Japanese boats at close range & sea level) with at sea level speeds 360 km/h (220 mph) was the best safely achievable, the cost was even greater than standard bombers, and the improved naval anti-aircraft defences (Bofors 40 mm guns, P-F shells, and fire-control radar) led Germany to develop glide bombs like the Henschel Hs 293 and Fritz X.



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Are there plans to do a patch to man the guns positions and others. Also, the A version with 75mm anti-ship gun?

"After totalling 24 hr, 40 min of flight and weapons trials, it returned to Albenga. It was presented as the new official attack machine at Furbara on 22 May, and it was planned to build five further P.108As, as well as converting between five or possibly all P.108s available. But on 29 June, it was decided to produce no more than five aircraft, and in July, the order was further limited to two, and eventually cancelled. "

.... well, since not a single P108A ever saw combat, who is going to spend his time and talent making such a non existant version ...?  :-X


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.... well, since not a single P108A ever saw combat, who is going to spend his time and talent making such a non existant version ...?  :-X

This is a widespread problem, and one wonders why those who possess this talent often use it for planes that have had no weight in the conduct of the war. But it is also dangerous to talk about it, in order not to unleash the wrath of the supporters of "freedom of artistic expression". So every night, before going to sleep, I kneel in front of my bed and say a prayer for someone to do something about it; lately it has worked, for example, with Maryland. :D
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... well, usually a modder first mods for ... himself, and then he shares the result if he fancies doing so ...  ;)

That's why you sometimes get planes that never flew or seldom, or never saw combat, for ex we have the Me209II (only 4 prototypes built), or were only built in very small quantities ...

The problem with the P108A version, is that you need to find a 3D modder who will make the canon part and modify the plane to fit it, and then a java coder who will code the new FM, and weapon, and even create a new java class for the gun and ammo if they don't already exist in the game, not forgetting of course finding all the documents necessary to do it in the best realistic and historical way ...

Then of course you have to beta test the new beast to check everything works like it should ...

For ex, this P108, originally posted by Dimon, didn't have any shadows, only one LOD, collision boxes to fix etc, so we are lucky that Epervier and IES team decided to improve it ...  ;)

Anyway, thanx to all involved, including Stanislao and cafs for the skins ...!  :-*


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P108, originally posted by Dimon
I beg to differ: Originally it has been posted by someone else but Dimon.
Just saying because otherwise people could confuse Dimon for the creator of this mod plane, which he surely isn't.

Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.


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... yep, you're right, I should have written "In fact the P108 IL2 conversion originally posted by Dimon ..."

Dimon not being a 3D modder himself, which is not a criticism on my part, in fact "borrows" all 3D from somewhere else and then converts it to IL2 format + FM + java class files, but without ever crediting the genuine author of the 3D, hence the credits problem Epervier then has, when he posts the improved 4.09 version (with added shadows, stationary, LODs, correct collision boxes etc, made with IES Team  ...) here at SAS ...  :-X

Anyway, it is X'Mas time, so let's calm down, after all this is but a game ...   ;)


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Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.


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New plane !


Nota : Valid aircraft tractors : all Me-110 and He-111 !

An archive containing all the new gliders!

See first post for link !
If your results do not live up to your expectations, tell yourself that the great oak was once an acorn too. - Lao Zi -


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Archive Gliders updated !
Sorry !
I forgot the credits for the DFS skins!  :-X
If your results do not live up to your expectations, tell yourself that the great oak was once an acorn too. - Lao Zi -


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DFS..what a surprise! Thank you, Epervier & Co  8);

I wish you all a Merry Christmas,


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RE the Maryland above:  Thanx so much for this, from a DirectX user.  That high poly count was making me think I'm a fossil.  Got this girl loaded in DBW.  She flies like a charm.  Gonna go and corral the P.108 next, I think.  Merci and prost
I am a moron.


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RE the P.108B above:  Wow and merci.  My DirectX, low poly baby loves it.  Splendid.  Cheers Gentlemen and thanx so much.
I am a moron.
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