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Author Topic: Gubi's Chronology IL-2  (Read 5961 times)

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Gubi's Chronology IL-2
« on: November 11, 2019, 08:32:10 AM »

Hello Gents.  I post this here, as it probably applies to all versions of IL-2 being administered here at this site.

How to start...this is "Gubi's Chronology".  Being a data collector and data interpretor and implementor, in real life, I began collecting missions and campaigns a long time ago.  Crazily enough, I began to catalogue them by date and time.  I worked for years collecting and vetting these missions so that they worked in my DBW.  Part of the "mission collection" thing, was to break down the campaigns into single missions and include them in the chronology...so...what we have included in here are "all" of the viable missions I could make work in DBW from, I think, all of the for sale campaign discs offered a long time ago, many, many campaigns from folks we all know throughout the IL-2 world and un named mission builders who posted their work to various forums for release.

I've tried to include all missions that work...that being interesting at times.  The Chronology is historical.  I've included "what if" stuff at peripheries, since this a sim, after all...but the feel is right, I think.  I publish this now, since I haven't worked on it since last March.  A lot of the "rebuilt" campaigns and stuff coming out for BAT, and so on, have started to interfere with my methodical elimination of versions of campaigns, and so on, I already worked through.  The other question that gnaws at me is:  "When is enough, enough?".  So here it is, as it lies.  Most everyone, the guys that never paid for campaign editions, campaign designers, present and past, missions builders, ditto...will probably find one of theirs here.

This file goes into your "SINGLES" file.  I'm quite sure no one uses that one much.  I won't go into detail, as things should be self explanatory, if you know your way around the MISSIONS folder.

1.  Made in DBW.  Should work in any install, provided you have the map and the aircraft.
2.  No taxi to take off.  I like that when I'm flying online, but not in a single mission.  I'll have enough to do.
3.  If the mission doesn't work, figure out why and fix it...or move on to the next one.  There's a zillion of them and the overwhelming majority will work on any install.
4.  I have more campaigns and mission not included here...but I had to make a cut at some point, so here we are...each is free to add another mission into the chronology, of course...
5.  Each mission is credited to; the campaign it's from, it's title, or it's author, if known.
6.  Punch in on any particular day and see what was going on in the IL-2 air war at that time and date.
7.  Cheers and prost.
8.  All of the "for sale" campaign missions are included, boy was that a hoot to work through...and so many of the campaigns of current and past authors, that too.
9.  This is for free.
10. Missions have been reworked to include accurate aircraft where necessary.
11. Date and time is correct for atmospheric realism.  This was a major work as IL-2 has a way of defaulting bulk mission collection activities to the default date of the map of the mission.  That was an unpleasant thing to learn, thousands of missions in.  Dates and times are correct for the missions.  That should open some eyeballs.
12. Mission briefs are left as is, out of respect to the various authors.
13. No air starts.  Complete missions...takeoff to landing...
14. Many custom missions from all kinds of authors incorporated.  All of the missions file BK sent to me many, many moons ago, are incorporated.  There's just so many still yet to do...but...C'est la vie.
15. That's French
16. 1916 and 1946 are larks.  I don't mess around there too much.  It's bad enough to have tried to tame 1945...after the defeats...sheesh
17. Everything from the "stock" SINGLE missions, and CAMPAIGN folders up to 4.13 are included, chronologically, as well.  I haven't even downloaded 4.14.
18. No training missions or dead end ones either.  When vetted, a goal had to be discerned.  Theoretically each mission has a goal.  Prost
19. No skins provided or guides.  Make yourself look pretty...
20. Johnny Red's campaign is included too.  Now you can figure out where you really were, historically, without having to guess.  Great for drunks.  Cheers and prost.

The IL-2 Chronology:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/ukaj4o23zqjsobo/Gubi%2527s_Chronology_11119.zip/file


Our friend Willyp has offered this download which has the mission properties files without the _ru.  For 4.12 and beyond, I think.  Thanx Willyp:

I am a moron.


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Re: Gubi's Chronology IL-2
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2019, 09:37:19 AM »

Hello Gubi,

what a pince MONSTERFOLDER!  :D

Thank you for the hard works. Never had need 22 minutes for dezipping 1,5 GB.

cheers & prost   ;D
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Re: Gubi's Chronology IL-2
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2019, 09:44:20 AM »

Enjoy BK.  Immerse yourself.  All of your missions are included.  Cheers and prost.
I am a moron.


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Re: Gubi's Chronology IL-2
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2019, 07:00:06 PM »

Wow!  Wow wow wow!  That's like 13,000 missions!  Thank you for this amazing compilation.

I couldn't resist diving in.  Soon found that for BAT users, it is good to check what planes are used, and load the correct module.  Some of the 1939 missions require planes that are in TGA but not WAW, for example.

But, wow, what a great way to try [getting quickly killed in] different planes, maps and mission types that it wouldn't occur to me to seek out. 

Well done!



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Re: Gubi's Chronology IL-2
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2019, 03:34:30 AM »

Will test them in my DBW installs, sounds like you did a profoubd job at organizing. Thanks for sharing them
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Re: Gubi's Chronology IL-2
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2019, 02:04:00 PM »

G'day Gubi

As an offline gamer this is awesome, but I have a lot of sorting and renaming to do.
At the very least I have to remove the "_RU" from the properties files so the description and brief can be read.
But it will be worth it, thank you.
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Re: Gubi's Chronology IL-2
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2019, 03:58:43 PM »

Thanx guys.  genXer...you should have seen me cursing to have to add the .RU so I could work the mission.  I think there is some kind of a batch controller...or something like that, that can change the files all at once.  That's computer speak to me...Babylonian.  If anyone does produce a "non".RU version please let me know.  I will include it. 

Just landed an Mc.200s3, 8 Dec, '41, 1055hrs, Africa...from campaign "Der Stern von Afrika".

Cheers and prost Gentlemen
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Re: Gubi's Chronology IL-2
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2019, 04:20:32 PM »

"Far out, far around, far up, far down"
Quote from John Sebastian at Woodstock, August 16th 1969;

Amazing work Gubi

Cheers and best regards


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Re: Gubi's Chronology IL-2
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2019, 05:53:52 PM »

Thank you sir.  I really appreciate your own endeavors myself.  Cheers and prost.
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Re: Gubi's Chronology IL-2
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2019, 06:52:49 PM »

G'day Gubi

As an offline gamer this is awesome, but I have a lot of sorting and renaming to do.
At the very least I have to remove the "_RU" from the properties files so the description and brief can be read.
But it will be worth it, thank you.

Here is the quick way to remove the _ru from the properties file names.  You'll need to use Windows Powershell, which is like an enhanced command prompt.  The toughest part of this process is navigating to the directory where the files are.

Copy or unpack the files to a directory that is easy to navigate to.  None of the directories in the path can have a space, hyphen, \, *, etc. in their names.  Let's say you put it in D:\temp.

In Windows, rename Gubi's directory "1937 and before" to "1937_and_before" (replace the spaces with underscores; otherwise Powershell can't navigate to it.

Open powershell by typing powershell in your Windows search bar and selecting the app.  Now you've got what looks like a DOS prompt.

Change drives if necessary to the drive you unpacked the mission to, by entering, say, D:

Then type the following (assuming you unpacked the missions to D:\temp):

CD Temp
CD Single
CD 1916

Then enter the following command:

DIR | rename-item -NewName {$.name -replace "_ru",""}

Now type DIR and return and you'll see a list of the .mis and .properties files, and the _ru part should be gone.

You'll have to do this for each of Gubi's directories.  To get to the next one, enter:

CD ..
CD 1937_and_before

Then repeat the exact same rename command as above.  TIP:  If you press the up-arrow at the prompt, it will cycle back through past commands you've entered, and you can just press enter when you get back to the rename command.

Work your way through all 28 directories.  It will only take 10 minutes or so.  When done, exit Powershell.  Now you can name "1937_and_before" back to "1937 and before" if you want to.  Copy the files into the appropriate IL-2 Missions directory.

Hope this helps!  Nice to know how to do something here for once.




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Re: Gubi's Chronology IL-2
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2019, 01:56:10 PM »

G'day K50083

This should be very helpful not only to me but for many others, thanks for sharing.
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Re: Gubi's Chronology IL-2
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2019, 02:21:45 PM »

Hi, Gubi.
When I have to rename files in a batch with a common denominator, say for example, you want to remove the _RU thing, I use this software:


Give it a try, I hope it helps. It has a GUI interface, just select the files you want to rename, tick the "replace the text", write: _RU or whatever thing you want to remove, and next to it, leave the "with the text" thing blank. click rename, and done.


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