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Author Topic: Is any of the stock campaigns recommendable?  (Read 1947 times)

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Is any of the stock campaigns recommendable?
« on: November 18, 2019, 11:42:20 AM »

Fellow pilots,

I never played a complete dynamic or scripted campaign in 46.
Would you recommend any of the stock campaigns (if yes, which one?) for somebody interested in the "classic" scenarios?
(BoB, Eastfront, Westfront, Pacific...)
Or would you rather recommend directly something here from the forum?

Any proposals are appreciated!

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Re: Is any of the stock campaigns recommendable?
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2019, 12:37:52 AM »

I would be interested too to know a stock campaign which gathered popular appreciation. I started a few of them, at my beginnings, being unable to complete, either because too long and tedious or set for quite hard tasks (like taking off during an enemy attack on your aerodrome, invariably killing the player before he could have free way from mates aligned in front of him).

I find annoying to be forced to lead flight (either because unavoidably promoted, or for campaign setup) by the static campaigns, so soon I concentrated on dynamic ones (having option PromotionRate=0.0), and a little later I began to develop myself, because, with the notably exception of VTrelut's ones, I was dissatisfied of available third party DGen campaigns. The turning point for me was Asura's DGen mod, removing all the constraints imposed by Starshoy's DGen.

I would suggest you to build your personal experience, since you could hear here everything, and the contrary of everything (tot caput, tot sententiae), and nothing fitting your tastes. In addition to stock ones, here, in other forums and sites dedicated to IL2, you may find lots of campaigns: soon or later you'll find your way.
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Re: Is any of the stock campaigns recommendable?
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2019, 01:36:26 AM »

I always enjoyed Finnish campaigns in old FB, and I still playing it to this day. I would say those old campaigns for Soviet, German, Hungary, Slovak etc. in old IL2 FB were quite good. Also Japanese Glowing glory was a great.


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Re: Is any of the stock campaigns recommendable?
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2019, 02:28:58 AM »

Thanks for you comments.
Maybe i need to explain my motivation for this question a little bit better:
I have (like most of us) only very limited time for my hobbies.
There are so many stock campaigns when i want to start a career, in so many countries (especially germany and russia).
I can not start each of them, play for 10 missions and then decide if its good.
Of course this is dependent on personal flavour...

Thats why i try to find out if i should start with a user-made campaign from the forum or if i just choose any country and any random stock campaign and have the same experience at the end...

But i guess i must try some.

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Re: Is any of the stock campaigns recommendable?
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2019, 07:59:26 AM »

Well, that's all a matter of taste really. For example I don't enjoy flying as not being lead of at least a pair.

Dynamic campaigns are generated from databases and therefore more "generic". Usually they are much longer and rank progression is a thing.
Scripted campaigns are shorter but more immersive and may tell really interesting stories or cover really odd places and aircraft.

Anyway, I guess you have to try and see. But if you want to fly DGen campaigns in BAT, be sure you have this:



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Re: Is any of the stock campaigns recommendable?
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2019, 11:28:25 AM »

Yes, the DGEN Update is already installed, thanks Vampire  :)
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Re: Is any of the stock campaigns recommendable?
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2019, 12:39:03 PM »

The conf.ini has a dgen section where you can set the campaign length to VeryShort, Short, Medium, Long, VeryLong (VL is default).

The problem with most of the older scripted campaigns is that they were made for different game versions, but the AI difficulty levels changed a lot in 4.12 so you have to readjust the campaign.

The other major problem with many scripted campaigns is that the authors did not bother to populate the map so youre gonna be flying over a completely empty landscape. Not very immersive. These things are not an issue in most dgen campaigns because you can adjust the AI via conf.ini and there's always some ground action. (more info: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Knowledge_Base&op=show&kid=28) You can also easily improve the mission templates and assign skins, this takes a lot of time in a scripted campaign. With some simple edits in the ops files you can have 100 plane missions generated, there's no scripted campaign which has that much action. Biggest disadvantage is that youre limited to stock maps and planes. For your own flight you can select any plane. There was an alternative dgen called Asuras dgen or modded dgen which supported mods, but I dont think that it being actively developed, it kinda disappeared from this site years ago. Modded dgen campaign not made for BAT would be useless anyway.

good scripted campaigns I recommend (PhillK and Poltava):


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