Hey everyone,
Me and a friend having serious problems setting up a multiplayer coop session.
Our "environment":
-We both have IL2 1946 (4.13.4) from steam
-We both have SAS_Modeact_6.40_for_IL-2_4.14.4m
-We both have SAS_JSGME_Options_for_Modeact_6.4x
(We have both no Singleplayer problems with this setup, it was a fresh install)
-We use Hyperlobby with a Server on Port 21000
-We both forwarded UDP/TCP 21000 in our routers.
-We both checked our firewalls, so the game and the ports aren't blocked on our machines
Our problem:
We can find each other in hyperlobby and we can start a game.
But everytime when one tries to connect to the others server, the game starts for both of us but the joiner gets a timeout in IL2.
Are we just too stupid and missing something important here? Has someone maybe experienced this problem and knows how to fix it?
I reaaally would love to play this game in MP, so any help would be highly appreciated.
best regards