The Spitfire, obviously. The only interesting question is, which variant of Spitfire? I tend to favor the round-rudder Mk.IX.
Among other WW2 fighters, the P-38 and P-39 were beauties, and there's something about the Corsair.
The Sabre is the best looking subsonic jet fighter, with the Hunter, Sea Hawk, and F9F Panther strong runners up.
Among supersonic fighters I'd nominate the Mirage III, Saab Draken, and the F-104. The F-18 isn't bad either, it has about the same proportions as the X-wing fighter. Only the F-18A through C, though. Those square intakes on the Super Hornets are ugly.
I would say the B-26 and the Ar 234 are the best looking WWII bombers.
The Hawker Fury is the best looking Golden Age fighter, edging out the P-6E.
The Concorde is of course the best looking jet airliner and the only other real competitor to the Spit for best looking overall. The Comet was the best looking subsonic airliner. For propliners, nothing touches the Constellation.
Among Great War birds, I'm partial to the Albatros D.V. Pre-1914, the Taube and the Deperdussin.