Hello Shessi, hope I find you well this rainy Saturday and that all is good with you and yours.
Glad you like it so far, we have grown old during this build, hopefully not much longer to go for this particular vehicle.
Details of exactly where some of the pipes go sadly eludes me, I do have photographs of the underside but what I need to see is just out of the picture
and so for the time being I will just have to leave things where they are and hope something comes along later to allow me to up-date some of the meshes.
I like jigsaws, this project is my own version, finding spaces is part of the challenge and fun, did I say fun?
Because of the space limitations some areas have now had to be changed, it is full and I like if possible to keep meshes just using one texture so I little
re-jig of the sump parts underneath was necessary to fit the last items along the passenger side I had intended to do.
Here are those parts I am trying to fit on the texture, one looks like some kind of liquid level indicator and
then there is a tank up close to the cab bulkhead:
The parts behind what I think are the sump need to be done again to try and represent these round
parts that attach gearbox and engine together, what the shape is going backward along the vehicle
is difficult to see so again artistic licence will prevail, consider this more in line with a painting than
a set of engineering drawings, that will help you cope with some of my choices in that I can only
use previous experience and guesswork, anything else I make up as I go along :
You can see here I am trying to capture the flat where the bolts go with the curvature of the connection:
The shape will improve because I will eventually join certain bits of geometry together at their vertices
to make the whole but first I need to get a rough shape:
I am trying to imagine the shapes as they connect and go back or forward to the engine block:
This is what has now replaced the previous long box shape and because of the shape and size has
necessitated a new texture for this and further add on parts still to do:
Here we see the new tank and the rod near it have been painted up using the space created on the existing texture
with a start being made for the gearbox, steering parts and what attaches the tank to the side of the engine
on the new texture:
Here are the new parts in position in game, the gap might get a few small pipes and a plaque later but for
now I will concentrate on the bolts for the gearbox join and some new stuff for the steering column:
So, there we are, I will paint the new parts on the new texture tomorrow before the footie, sadly I have
a medical appointment on Monday so I will have to avoid the party crowds and watch the final on my own
with tea and bikkies as I have the whole tournament so far.
Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.