Hello again guys, last time I had a lot of images so broke it down which is why this comes so quickly.

You have already seen the wires from the box, here is the larger loom connecting it all together:

The images I have do not give a clear idea of how each side is connected in through the bulkhead hole
so I just made a simple rounded piece, at the same time the metal clips that hold the flexible conduit
to the bulkhead were done:

All done and joined to the cable from the alternator/generator and mapped ready for paint:

I assumed this was the horn, if any of you know different then please let me know:

All together as best I can see and make:

When I made the steering wheel most of the detail concentrated in the cab, however, with the fresh detailing
already seen of the block in the engine bay there was also a need to add a further few details up top:

A second shaft was added to go over the original as I wanted the colour the same as the bay and this was easier
than repainting on the already finished template used earlier, again how it fixes to the bulkhead is not entirely clear
so as usual I muddled along, also added was the wiring from the horn:

All the previous stuff painted:

There are rods along the bulkhead that I think are the connections for the foot pedals, I know I said I
was not going there, you know how weak I am though:

Much of the detail is hidden so I just attempted what I could see, here it is finished and painted:

And finally, something I meant to do earlier, these I think are some kind of vibration dampers for the
fan/shroud/radiator assembly:

Quite a involved part to make but it came together slowly but surely:

I had some trouble here as the shroud had to be squashed in a little and the chassis is not quite right
at the front but rather than go to the trouble of major re-building of some parts I had to accept that
one of the two items made would have to be slightly out of position:

Then the moment of truth, all the recent parts were extracted and put in game:

Essentially the Thorneycroft Amazon and its Coles crane are now complete, looking around the engine bay I
could see there are still things outstanding that I could add, however, enough is enough, the vehicle is done.

I will pack up what is done so far and put up a new link, there are things that still want improving and of course the
damage model and lods still to be undertaken as well as the lifting straps/chains along with the roof rack but it was
time to finally bring the actual vehicle build to a close, it has been a long time in coming.

Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.