I have a question, will the engine start?
Un saludo.
Sadly erafitti I lost the keys so I cannot see if it works or not.
I think there is a quality mismatch between the engine and tyres. The tyre textures probably need to be sharper, of a higher resolution and the tyres may need to be more detailed to match the engine detail. In blender the tyres look fine, but they need more definition in the game engine.
Unfortunately I am not the best texture maker rogerroger the whole vehicle suffers from that lack of good artwork so other than using skins made by someone else I am screwed. Not sure how to upgrade the tyres/wheels other than adding the nuts and bolts, I think adding a tread in some way is beyond me and how to do it, cutting a tread into the mesh I think would would be difficult for me at least and I am limited with what gmax can do, or more importantly my ability with it.
All I can really do is try and take that clunky look away that was a complaint and hope one of our artists might have a go with the paint.
Another issue is I have mapped everything to certain textures so improving the overall look would most likely involve mapping each mesh to its own texture, in this instance at least the tyres/wheels have their own texture but I lack the ability with photoshop to really enhance things overall.
Maybe you have some ideas of what exactly you might do and how best to go about it to improve things, any thoughts please?
Thank you very much for comments rogeroger, really appreciated.
Hello Pete,
That looks damn good! I want to see more of that please.
Thank you for all of your efforts to make our beloved IL-2 look better!
Best regards,
Glad you like it so far Gerhard, thank you very much for the kind words, really appreciated.
As for more, I am not sure where to go next, make the lods or leave this vehicle as is once the wheels are sorted and move on to building the other items in the set the Queen Mary and its tractor unit and there is also the Thorneycroft articulated that will also need a trailer I already made a start with, decisions, decisions.
Thoughts guys, does having no Lods and too high poly shadow bother you or are your games okay with the model as is?
In doing the tyres I have found a few instances of things not quite matching up so the morning was spent trying to sort out those issues, sadly a problem with projects built over a long period is many parts are hidden so if you tinker with some things you already made it is only later they are apparent, anyway I think I got the worst offenders out of the way mainly the front axle and those steering actuators.
This is turning into my life's work.
Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.