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Author Topic: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.  (Read 58027 times)

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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #324 on: August 10, 2021, 04:35:53 PM »

That weel and tire looks great (as the rest of your build)! You should rememer the tires of such a vehicle often passes rough ground and takes a lot of beating so they don´t have to be factory fresh!
And you can fly, high as a kite, if you want to.........


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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #325 on: August 10, 2021, 04:39:18 PM »

Oh god, does that look good!  8)

Best regards, Gerhard  :)
FAC N° 9 ...cheers mein Schatz


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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #326 on: August 10, 2021, 08:43:00 PM »

Yesirree Bob! that looks great! well mapped! ;D


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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #327 on: August 11, 2021, 02:33:05 AM »

Hello guys, glad you approve of the upgrade. 8)

Hopefully I can take a look at the back wheel today sometime, with one mapped I can then clone it for the others, not
sure why I had so much trouble with the tread on the front maybe just too many curves or I might have moved something
out of line, anyway, having done that one I am at least prepared for the rear. :D

Once done I will make another upload, there were a few issues I found after the last update and now the wheels becoming
a little more involved than I thought it will be easier all around if I just upload the pack again. ;)

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #328 on: August 13, 2021, 06:46:01 AM »

Hi Pete,
Double what Gehard said, with nuts on and a flake!

That engine is a beautiful work of CAD art. Just one minor complaint though, why are there no relays or fuses inside the fuse box?!...slipping or what..ha ha ;)

As for the wheels, IMHO they make a great external difference. I know a higher poly count, but totally worth it and nice one RRoger with the tex.

That top quarter pic looks very realistic.





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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #329 on: August 13, 2021, 08:46:09 AM »

Hello Shessi, glad you like and approve of the changes since last we had you post. 8)

Just one minor complaint though, why are there no relays or fuses inside the fuse box?!...slipping or what..ha ha ;)

I know, if my old Electrical Installation tutor Eric has seen this I bet he can be heard tut tutting in the background and
wondering why he ever bothered with me. :D

Anyway, you should be used to my idleness by now, you know how rough my work is up close. :P

But I digress, how are things going I guess you are wondering.

Well, here we have the nuts and bolts for the rear wheels, and a completed Wheel:

And here are the clones of the first all nicely covered with the same texture as the front from Rogeroger:

With the nuts and bolts painted, sorry no washers, idleness again:

I put together three parts, fan shroud, hubs and the steering mechanism to make one mesh, something
I really need to do for some others, however, from memory many of the parts I made were left stand alone
to enable me to make the various scenes in the building folders so I will probably leave the remainder as is,
the nuts and bolts are separate but it gives me a idea, maybe a rusty old chassis in the future:

And into game for a look:

I do hope those wheels are smooth and sexy enough for you guys. ;)

The texture is as good as I could get, the rear wheels are a little bigger than the front and I had the same
issue with the curvature but I think they look okay, that texture from Rogeroger does make a whole lot of
difference to the final result. 8)

Problems, there always are, I put things in game just to check all was there and the damage model was not
working as it should, I know it is not a full damaged vehicle but I had the open doors cab version set to show
when damaged to look like the crew had made a hasty exit, but no show.  Anyway, I had forgot the CoCommon
in the last upload and once added again I then saw the fire effect but not the intended cab it used the closed
door one from the moving vehicle folder. o_O

I'm puzzled, tried altering some entries but no change, I need to sleep for a few hours and come back to it later,
my head hurts, as does most of the rest of me, I cannot figure it out. ::(

Hopefully some time tonight or early tomorrow I will put up a new link even if I cannot sort the problem. :)

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #330 on: August 13, 2021, 11:46:20 AM »

Beautiful models and excellent mapping mate, take a well deserved rest. :)


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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #331 on: August 13, 2021, 12:11:03 PM »

Yes, a rest and a good stiff drink!


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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #332 on: August 14, 2021, 03:58:06 AM »

Hello guys, well I had the rest but sadly not the stiff drink, the medication means I very rarely touch alcohol these days. ;)

Hob Knobs and cups of tea are my favored tipple.  :D

Eventually I found out why the damage model was not showing but it took most of the evening
in between catching up on the football. :o

I tested all my entries for technics file and even renamed some things but eventually decided
things were okay as is because there had been no need to change anything since the early release.

So then why will this thing not pick up from the dead folder, it was baffling, the vehicle could be seen
to be hit because the fire was there so the Co Common was working but I was not seeing the open door
cab I put there especially so I could see the dead model working without a dedicated texture, it was the
visual clue.

Eventually, late in the evening I loaded up the game and selected most of the text from the dead.him and
deleted it leaving just a few entries and off I went with a mission, voila it worked. o_O

Okay, that is a trick I use when all else fails, more often than not it is some kind of spelling error that is
preventing something happening so I remove text and then gradually put some of the entries back until
I have the issue again, usually the Stainless tool or my Sknil would have shown up something but each had
loaded the dead.him without indicating any errors.

So, I was getting close but still not exactly sure, my thoughts were that all entries were good so the only
other culprit was either too many polygons or meshes, maybe a combination of both. :(

A stripped out version of the Thorneycroft dead folder worked:

The dead model had had too much detail. ::(

What does that tell us then?

Well we know there is a upper limit to how many meshes we can add to a model, not sure of that figure though, so
far I had kept all the meshes within the known 3000 Poly limit and as you see the main Lod has been good to go, at
least no one yet has indicated otherwise.  I always thought I might hit a wall some time during the build but that had
not yet happened, however, the problem I had would indicate the dead model needs to be considerably lower in meshes
and or polygons than the main Lod.

So now I am going to have to strip out the other folders, all the engine detail is gone as are the hook and wire details from
the crane boom and besides that my new damage texture also needs some work. :D

The damage model looks like it will be more complicated to put together than I thought, I was always going to lower
the detail but as you see form the above image there is not much left to play with but at least the new tyres are
still there as well as cab fixings, a bit of the body and the chassis. :P

I can reduce the chassis and cab parts to some degree but even there the engine is going to be very sparse but I
might be able to get a low poly hook and its wires back, I will need to experiment. :D

This now needs some thought so I will do a quick and dirty strip out of the other two folders for now and post a new link,
that way you can at least take a look yourself at the new tyres and I will have a break and prepare myself. 8)

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #333 on: August 14, 2021, 05:47:09 AM »

Hello again guys, new link has been added to the first post. ;)

Updated WIP 14th August 2021.

For this update new wheels were made back and front smoother and higher in their polygon count.

New texture for the wheels provided by Rogerroger at SAS.

Wheel nuts and bolts added for each wheel.

Three parts joined together to make one mesh, Fan shroud, discs and hubs and steering actuators.

CoCommons reinstated as they were missed in the last update, the dead model failed to work until a
large amount of the detail parts were removed from the dead folders, this has left a basic model
without any dedicated textures until I develop the dead model further, next on the list.

As always, Please remove the previous folders and replace with the new one.

Thank you very much for all the help, support and encouragement, really appreciated. 8)

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #334 on: August 15, 2021, 05:49:26 AM »

Hi Pete,
Many thanks for the new updated model, great tex choices btw.

I appreciate you want the damage model to look it's best, but are people really that close to it or paying attention closley in-game?  How about leaving the engine bonnet on, so removing the need for any engine at all, use the old/original lower poly wheels (no wheel nuts), remove one cab door and handle, one front and one rear mudguard (opposite sides), all glass, fuel tank and the crane boom/arm, wire and hook...after all it is 'destroyed'?!  Not telling a master builder how to model, just an ]idea[




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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon WF/AC6/1/Coles Mk VII, series 2.
« Reply #335 on: August 15, 2021, 12:04:28 PM »

Hello Shessi, glad you like the update, I hope it was worth the wait. 8)

I have been experimenting with the dead model today, not sure yet just how it will work out, as
for the new wheels I think I would like to keep those rather than revert back but I'll have to see
what I can put together. ;)

First of all I have taken some of the items from the damage model you now have and begun a drastic
parts reduction, here we see the chassis with most of the detail items gone just leaving a basic drive
shaft, this has reduced the poly count by half or so:

Here I have skewed the wheels at the front a little as well as the parts that work with them before I
eventually tried to replicate the front wheels deflated as though caught by a blast or bullets:

Where I am able to drastically reduce the poly count on a few items I have then joined together meshes
using the same texture to make a single mesh, this way the overall count will not exceed the existing meshes
you have in that dead model now, however, the hope is to then have a overall more detailed dead model if I keep
within the poly count of the model you now have that I already know works. 
All nuts and bolts are gone and only the main shapes of the parts left, what I still do not know is if the problem
I had was too many polygons or too many meshes, maybe both so I need to find some sort of balance between
the fully detailed model and the dead.

First of all I need to look at what I would like it to include and then see what is possible by experimenting. :D

So here you see the engine block reduced then some of what are now separate castings similarly reduced and
then joined so I keep the overall look of the engine and still have that continuation through to the fan without a
big gap, the whole lot still comes in at the same poly level but looks better, more complete than what you have

On the other side the cab furniture has been decimated because a lot of it would have burned, that is added to
a equally reduced steering wheel, all the bolts and stuff have gone but the overall look is still there, you can also
see the other side of the engine block:

The Coles cab and its crane are also in work going through the same process, I do not really know what one
of these would look like following a air strike, or whatever destroyed it, so I am trying to do something that
hopefully looks plausible. o_O

I have the cables as though they have been severed somehow and the crane fallen forward once the tension
of those cables is gone, the hook is on the ground, I removed one half as though it is sunken into the soil. :P

It might look okay when I'm done, maybe not, I have to try these things out.  One of my other projects was the
YAG6_2 fire engine from the Aviaskins project, myself and Andrew (Greif11) to use a scale model description
super detailed the basic model, it got high res textures, all kinds of add-ons such as ladders, hoses, bell and was
completed with full Lods and damage model, if you haven't seen it there is a link in the first page of the thread
for the Aviaskins project, I think we did a rather good job on that one. ;)

This project is first and foremost a build rather than IL-2 specific so I tinker with it in various ways just to see
how it goes and add it to the game secondly.

Stay tuned Shessi, I am not entirely sure if I am in control of myself or not, the pills and the build have unhinged me I think,
anything might happen. :D

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D

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