I dislike using waypoints (and autopilot) in my missions – I like to ‘free fly’ as in real life. I also like to fly with all the map indicators off for the same reason. Recently this has become a problem, for which I have devised a solution that others may find useful. I assume that this will also work in other versions of Il2, but as I use BAT exclusively I have placed it in this forum.
I have been spending a lot of time flying the helicopters in BAT lately, and have designed an ‘ice station zebra’ type mission on the excellent north pole map. However, just as in real life, navigating over miles of ice with no landmarks makes finding a small base very difficult, to say the least.
I have never mastered the use of beacons, and as far as I am aware you need waypoints for them to work. So, how to find a miniscule base in a sea of ice?
The answer – use the ‘surface search radar’ element of the C&C mod! I thought of using the OBOE object, but this requires a bomb loadout before it will work, and a bomb loadout is not available for most of the BAT helicopters. Of course the C&C surface radar only detects ships, so it is necessary to give it a ship target near your base for the radar to work. This is how you do it:
I’m sure most of you already know the trick to get ships to travel on rivers – place your ship at sea in the mission, place a dummy object on land where you want your ship to be, then edit the mis file, copying the ship object to the dummy location.
What I do is use the ‘US Pilot1’ stationary ship object then move it inside a building at the polar base so that it is invisible. The C&C radar object will then detect that target and guide you to the base!