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Author Topic: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)  (Read 38040 times)

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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #108 on: December 19, 2020, 08:28:27 AM »

Thank you very much for your kind words j.vandeinsen  :)

Yeah personally i'm ok but all the things related to covid messed me up a lot. Now i'm a bit better fortunately.
I just want to let you guys finally enjoy my latest works and i just realised how much time as passed since i first annouced it...Time flew during this period.

Anyway, i have only 5 missions left to do and 3 of them are already in the concept phase (before i make a mission, i always try to capture the concept of it, then i recreate it at the best of my possibilities on FMB).

Here's some screenshots of the 2nd requested mission of my mate M4rdok2; i assure you guys that this will be a lot of fun  8)
You can see that i've worked hard to recreate the effects of Napalm bombs on vehicles, infantry and unfortunately, on civilian huts. The NVA/VC columns to bomb will be plenty so you'll need to make each
bomb-run accurate and select the right type of weapon for each target. There will be LOTS of AA guns all over the place so i strongly suggest to fly low and fast (with the F-5 is super-fun!)


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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #109 on: December 27, 2020, 06:09:59 AM »

Hey guys! I'm almost at the end! I can't actually believe it.  ;D
In these days i finished the previously shown mission with the F-5 and i just completed this brand new one. Finally i made a mission with the MiG-19/F-6, one of the last "famous" and "big names" still missing in my Wo'N plane roster.
I assure you guys that this one is real fun and it will be quite a challenge to not die by the F-4s  8)
More screenshots will come and i already started a new mission today. Only 3 remain and maybe i can publish 1.7 for 1/2 January, as promised.

Important, i made a quick POLL in this page. Since so few slots are available for new missions, i'd like to ask you guys which of the selected planes should get "priority" for this patch.
The problem is that i have a lot of ideas (you can of course submit yours  ;) ) and only 3 slots for 1.7 left, so i need to choose if some planes should get more missions or if i need to insert brand new ones into the roster.
Let me know your opinion! It's super important for me.  8)


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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #110 on: December 30, 2020, 10:53:54 AM »

Hey guys, thank you so much for leaving your opinion on my poll.
Thanks to you now i have a much clearer view of what i should do, and i'm working right now on the F-4D, A-1H and AC-478)

Your feedback has been crucial, thank you very much guys.

Now for the latest news: another mission is completed and i'm building as i'm writing these words the new ones, starting from the F-4D Phantom II.
For now i don't have anything solid to show about it, since i'm building it now BUT i can show you my latest one! Freshly baked from FMB and extremely fun.  ;)
In fact i managed to squeeze in these 3 days the work of 2 missions. Firstly i completed the one with the Shenyang, and then i built (at Mach 2 speed for my standards  ;D ) this brand new one!
In these screenshots, apart from the standard showing of the new content for 1.7, i wanted to let you focus guys on the amounts of small details i love to include in my missions.
It takes A LOT more work? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes for every single one.


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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #111 on: December 31, 2020, 03:34:50 AM »

your scenery building is something else :D


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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #112 on: January 08, 2021, 11:17:52 AM »

Thank you so much vampire! You're amazing too  8)  ]hello2[

So here's the weekly status report.
Thanks to your votes in the poll i immidiately started making the missions for the remaining 3 slots. The F-4D mission is done and it's very unique: in fact it's the only mission where GBUs will be used to destroy a main (and heavily defended) NVA supply depot. At first i needed to familiarize a bit more on the functioning of guided bombs, both for the mission and for the walkthrough file, then i proceeded in building the airport and the target to strike. The depot has lethal AAAs all around making it almost a no-fly zone...
That's why you'll strike from afar with precision-guided munitions. It will be a very unique one i can assure you.

Regarding the 2nd mission, it's basically ready, only the walkthrough remains left to do and then i'll pass to the last mission of this patch.
With the A-1H i wanted to do something different, away from the common CAS or interdiction on a enemy controlled area. I opted for the active saving of P.O.W. by covering them and the rescue chopper. The Vietcongs, NVA tanks and infantry together with VC boats will do everything in the book to stop you and killing the survivors, so you will need to be effective in your strikes and fast to get to the AO.
Here's some screenshots of 2 of the last 3 missions for 1.7:


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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #113 on: January 08, 2021, 11:51:13 AM »

your scenery building is something else :D

Totally agree, Vamps!  8)


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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #114 on: January 09, 2021, 09:51:24 AM »

Thanks dude.
Amazing, funny, historical and detailed. :-* :-*


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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #115 on: January 11, 2021, 10:37:25 AM »

your scenery building is something else :D

I agree. It would be interesting to fly low and slow to see all details. Or just to drive a Jeep.  :)


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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #116 on: January 18, 2021, 04:59:26 PM »

Hey guys! I hope you are all doing well.
First of all...THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your support danperin, TheBogeyman12 and Dimlee!. It means a lot to me.  :)

I'm working on the last mission for 1.7 and probably this will be the LAST post BEFORE the RELEASE of 1.7 Wings over 'Nam. I'm so excited! :D
The scenario is done, the flight plan is set and now i'm focusing on making the various plane arrival times work as i want. Immidiately after i will do the briefing, last adjustments on FMB and write the Walkthrough. After that, i will make the final package for 1.7.

I wanted to do at least 1 mission with the AC-47 Spooky since i first saw it on QMB; i think it's a very iconic plane and a milestone in military aviation (being the first to experiment the concept of the Gunship). In-game it's surely a very different, engaging and unique type of gameplay that will surely make this mission very special in the mission roster.

Also, i wanted to include in my topic a link to the presentation of our Il-2 B.A.T. Multiplayer Community here (post N°13): https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,64628.12.html#lastPost

And the link to our Discord server: https://discord.gg/Ut2r62TGm2

Since this will be the last post here before the release of 1.7, i want to post more screenshots than usual.  8)


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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #117 on: January 18, 2021, 08:19:51 PM »

I was expecting someone could do Vietnam mod and this I'm waiting for some playable updates and hopeful it will be jets ..etc. soldiers would be good too..
Not far


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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #118 on: January 19, 2021, 10:10:20 AM »

Spooky  ]thumleft[
"Roger on the flare, China Boy. Where are the bad guys?"
"All around," Haskell said shouldering the radio pack taking over from the still sputtering Krocek. "Light the place up so we can move faster then we'll tell you where to shoot. We're too strung out now to know where everybody is. By the way, Spooky, you got open clearance to shoot?"
Before he could expend, a Spooky pilot had to have clearance from 7th Air Force, the regional U.S. Army commander, the regional ARVN commander, and the local province chief who might be out for dinner. Unless, of course, somebody was shooting at Spooky. In that case he could return fire.
"Normally we don't need that up here in War Zone C but, ah, China Boy, just to be safe, I did see a tracer shot at us."
Haskell caught on and fired another pengun flare in the general direction of the orbiting gunship.
"Yup, very definitely," the Spooky pilot said when he saw the red streak, "we're being shot at so, yeah, we're cleared to fire anytime you want. And here comes the first flare."
A crack sounded high in the night air behind the AC-47 as a 200,000-candlepower flare ignited under its parachute, and started its slow drift earthward trailing a thick white stream of smoke...
Spooky fired his guns on half speed at 3,000 rounds per minute each in three-second bursts to save ammo as he worked north. Each burst dispatched 450 rounds. Spooky carried enough ammo to fire 160 such bursts...
The sound of Spooky's guns gave the Wolf his best bearing. The three 7.62 mini guns, each with five rotating barrels firing Gatling-gun style, detonated the cartridges so fast that the individual explosions overrode each other producing a moaning roar increasing with intensity as the barrels got up to speed then ceased abruptly as the pilot released the trigger. The barrel noise combined with the amplifying effect inside the fuselage of the internal gun noise made the overall effect sound to the distant Wolf like the hellish purr of an unearthly giant sky cat.


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Re: Wings over 'Nam (Vietnam 1965-1973)
« Reply #119 on: January 20, 2021, 06:14:57 AM »

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