This looks fantastic!
Inspired by genXgamer, I installed it in VP Modpack, but unfortunately the campaign failed to load
. I checked the log file to try and find the problem, and it shows that many of the ships can't set (load?) properly. The following is an extract of the relevant section:
Ship: Value of [Ship0]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't set property
at com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.BigshipGeneric$SPAWN.getS(
at com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.BigshipGeneric$SPAWN.LoadShipProperties(
at com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.BigshipGeneric$SPAWN.<init>(
at com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.ShipPack.<clinit>(
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
at com.maddox.rts.Spawn.get_WithSoftClass(
at com.maddox.rts.Spawn.get_WithSoftClass(
Problem in spawn: com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.ShipPack$Ship0
The same error appears for all the following ships:
Ship: Value of [Ship1]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [Ship2]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [Ship3]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [Ship4]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [Carrier0]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [HMSTribal]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [ItalPoetiDD]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [ItalNavigatoriDD]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [GerZ7DD]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [GerZ29DD]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [IJNMinekazeDD]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [IJNShiokaze21DD]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [IJNMinekaze43DD]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [IJNMinazuki27DD]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [IJNMutsukiDD]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [IJNMutsuki43DD]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [IJNCDD]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [IJNCDD8]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [IJNCDD82]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [IJNCDD106]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [IJNUkuruEscort]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [IJNShinnanEscort]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [IJNShigaEscort]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [HMSFlower1Corvette]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [HMSFlower2Corvette]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [ItalGabbianoCorvette]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [ItalCicognaCorvette]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [ItalProcellariaCorvette]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [ItalTuffetoCorvetteKM]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [ItalVespaCorvetteKM]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [ItalVespaCorvetteKM]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [USSSimsDD1943]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [HMSJupiter]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
Ship: Value of [HMSWarspite]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
I installed the campaign in both a vanilla VP Modpack install, and one with additional mods installed. Both versions had the same error message. Any ideas as to how to solve the problem would be very much appreciated.
And apologies for the long post!