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Author Topic: Need help getting night fighting campaigns to work  (Read 2736 times)

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Need help getting night fighting campaigns to work
« on: March 15, 2020, 02:48:06 PM »

I have DL'd several night campaigns and they all start the same way, there is a loud screech like aircraft landing, and then engines are inoperable.  I have tried the two 1944 campaigns, the mosquito campaign, and the 1941 Kammhuber and all the same.  I think I am putting something in the wrong folder maybe?  The 1941 campaign says to place everything in the campaign/de folder, which I did, the same as the others (il2/mission/campaign/de).  I am using bat 3.7.2.  I have the CY6 C&C and map but it just says "put in mods", well there is a batmod and a regular mod, which one does it go in?



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Re: Need help getting night fighting campaigns to work
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2020, 04:42:09 PM »

You accidently grabbed an outdated Version.
What you're talking about is the DBW version, which requires
additional stuff to be installed. That won#t work as DBW and BAT are too different from
the heap.

At least you know where to put them. Fingers crossed.

Go into your Install and revert the changes CY6 C&C, additional Mods you installed to get this to work.
It's all already in BAT. No need to stress yourself and fiddle around. Working like a charme.

SAS_Poltava is in the process of upgrading his Campaigns to BAT.

Lookie lookee here and in BAT/Mission Section for what he succeeded to port over.

Your Mosquito Campaign which I have from the above Link looks like this:
Code: [Select]

Lookie Lookie inside
When you finnished downloading, look into the Folders,
Code: [Select]
Old Babyblitz for DBW heresuch Folders inside are the ones you normally don't need, they are keepsake.

Code: [Select]
1944_BABYBLITZ_MosquitoNFThis folder contains the Missionfiles for BAT you really need to run it.

Hope this helps
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Re: Need help getting night fighting campaigns to work
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2020, 05:42:43 PM »

Hi;  Thanks for responding but I do have the BAT version (which does come with DBW but I deleted that), the install readme states:  3. Requirements: This campaign has been built with and for BAT, the WAW module. If you have BAT 3.7 you have everything you need! (Note that the old DBW version also comes with this download.)

I did grab at least one old one, but I am one of the few who read README and noticed they were DBW etc and deleted them.

Your code: select don't work for me (I am working on a 3 day old new install of WIn10 so maybe an error on my end).

Here also is what the install states in the readme:  5. How to install Campaign: The whole directory is installed under \Missions\Campaign\DE\. IMPORTANT: What you call the folder containing the campaign is not important but what IS REALLY IMPORTANT, is that there are no spaces in that name. (If there are spaces, IL-2 simply won't find the campaign.)


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Re: Need help getting night fighting campaigns to work
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2020, 06:42:51 PM »

That sounds like trouble in your Install. You did everything as required, but it
should run without Probs.

I had 3 re-Installations lately, when switching from 3.5 to 3.8, then when 3.81 and 3.82 came out.
At my side it was related to the dlls, HD. with the wrong dll my BAT went Nuts and gave a bag full of
different Errors.
I have 3.82 running, then backed up my DGEN of plain 3.82 and planted this over:
DGen for B.A.T. v1.3 - World At War module
Code: [Select]
Backup is important, when next Update comes.

I would tackle a fresh Install and check a few things, then trying in a clean 3.82 and see how it is with the 1.3 WAW DGEN.
just my 2 cents
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Re: Need help getting night fighting campaigns to work
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2020, 07:41:09 PM »

I got tin tin 3 to work no problem on 3.8.2 only those night fighter ones fail.  I honestly think I put something it needs in the wrong folder.  From what I know you need CY6 C&C, CY6 RUHR map.  The CY6 C&C goes in BATMOD and enabled last?  The RUHR map goes in WAW/MAPMODS/MAPS?  I will try a second install, not looking forward to the 100gb but I will try it but I still don't know if I am putting the files in the correct folders.  I do not have the DGEN for BAT v1.3, do I need to have that?

**tried the new dgen - no joy**


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Re: Need help getting night fighting campaigns to work
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2020, 08:27:43 PM »

It's nice that you follow the old DBW Read Me and lurk the old C6C and Map here.
It's wasted time, like you want to have your healthy legs amputated, just to get wooden legs.
All of a sudden you realize walking is messed up and feels different like before.
That's the deal exactly what you get here.


CY6 C&C, CY6 RUHR map was already inside CUP and BAT 3.8.2, Today we have BAT 3.8.2 and it's still there.

Why do you want to install CY6 C&C? Seriously, the Link on SAS to it's latest Version is not the one you
have planted in BAT. BAT is a newer version, hence not compatible if you try to reverse to
the old Version, as BAT runs on SFS archives, and no matter where you load it it, it shoots up your Campaign.

You're telling me you did everything right when you installed sth. to #WAW3 folder and
complain other Campaigns work, but these. If you deinstall your private old CY6 C&C and CY6 Ruhrmap and whatelse from
the WAW folder and BAT, try it again. No need to reinstall.

BTW. they are Great, fired up both and running smoothly.

Don't mess with old Files, again.

Best wishes
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Re: Need help getting night fighting campaigns to work
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2020, 08:52:08 PM »

I only installed the CY6 stuff AFTER it wouldn't run when installed to my normal BAT 3.7.2, I was trying anything to get it to work.  So no, that did not cause the problem, as I stated I put the file in the folder it told me too, nothing more and nothing less, and it didn't work, just a black screen with green shrubs and wrecked engines on mission start.  When that didn't help I then tried the CY6 stuff.

Doing another 100gb install, if it doesn't work then I will just get rid of it.

Once again, all I did was thus:  3. Requirements: This campaign has been built with and for BAT, the WAW module. If you have BAT 3.7 you have everything you need! (Note that the old DBW version also comes with this download.)

How to install Campaign: The whole directory is installed under \Missions\Campaign\DE\. IMPORTANT: What you call the folder containing the campaign is not important but what IS REALLY IMPORTANT, is that there are no spaces in that name. (If there are spaces, IL-2 simply won't find the campaign.)


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Re: Need help getting night fighting campaigns to work
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2020, 07:42:07 AM »

Hi  weasel,
If your night campaigns contain aircraft such as the Lancaster
you might have to change your dlls (either dlls 1 or 2) to get the campaign to run
I might be wrong but I believe the wrong dlls can effect  missions  if Lancasters are used
Try it and see otherwise post a log
Cheers edc1


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Re: Need help getting night fighting campaigns to work
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2020, 07:57:02 AM »

Dll issue is a thing to tackle, but keep calm before you overturn everything.

dlls can be the deal to this, I had this the last 2 weeks until I found suitable ones.

As to this DGEN 1.3 Add-On. Please fix your dlls, try edc1s advise with Lancaster,
another option is fire up a CVE Mission (QMB), my new Textures for the Escort Carriers require
certain dlls to get them ingame. These new Textures are part of BAT and another of such
point of see if it works. Wrong dlls get you Mission CTDs, Paratroopers, 60% game loading CTDs,
no ships ingame or Cockpit anomalies (toxic Green stuff). It's a weird bunch of
Errors you collect and are faced with.

Only if you fixed to run the Campaigns in a clean BAT you can opt for the DGEN Addon.
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Re: Need help getting night fighting campaigns to work
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2020, 03:39:31 PM »

new install fixed it.  Not sure what was wrong, the only mods I ran besides stock BAT were NG HUD and NG MAP, but either way working now.  Thanks.


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Re: Need help getting night fighting campaigns to work
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2020, 03:40:36 PM »

Hi  weasel,
If your night campaigns contain aircraft such as the Lancaster
you might have to change your dlls (either dlls 1 or 2) to get the campaign to run
I might be wrong but I believe the wrong dlls can effect  missions  if Lancasters are used
Try it and see otherwise post a log
Cheers edc1

Thanks for replying; I tried that too last night before installing again, it did not fix it.  Cheers.


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Re: Need help getting night fighting campaigns to work
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2020, 04:18:41 AM »

It is important that

A. You have a CLEAN  and fully updated BAT install (3.8.2)
B. You only use nightfighting campaigns converted to BAT, none others. Use them found im this list: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,63302.0.html

I will update more of my nightfighting campaigns to BAT. There are obviously a lot of loud-out issues in the old ones, giving the problems you have described.
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