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Author Topic: TERROR IN THE SKY - A Kaiserlichemarine Zeppelin campaign over the channel (WIP)  (Read 5498 times)

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  • "Chi vola vale, chi non vola è un vile

Gas feed monsters over England.

1 month with the Airship service starting from the naval stations of zeebrugge and ostende your task will be mainly recon in the north sea looking for ships, or strategic bombing on English cities, the enemy defenses will increase as time pass on, and you will find also primitive night fighters as the campaign go on. See if you can survive as a "baby killer" as the enemy call you for 4 weeks of raids over enemy waters and territory for the Kaiser, the Vaterland and your commander, Peter Strasser, one of the first to think about "total war"

coming soon.

Some screenshot for you: NOTE THAT I HAD TO MODIFY THESE PICS, SINCE IT WAS TOTALLY DARK ON THE ORIGINALS AND YOU COULDN'T SEE NOTHING. The zeppelin attacks occurred in the middle of the night usually.


"June 6 1915, 22 o'clock, Sussex...
The giant of the sky head for London with his gift of love...

Inside the canopy, the crew check the maps and prepare to drop his death cargo..

The "baby killer" as the allieds named it crossed the north sea..

In the belly of this gas feed monster the sailors of the kaiser wihlelm prepare to down the canopy for aim

The command bridge

"War is the art of lie"


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Sounds VERY interesting!


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Wow! This sounds great! This is a campaign to fly the Zeppelins or to hunt them?


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  • "Chi vola vale, chi non vola è un vile

To fly off. With the German imperial navy in 1915. Reconnaissance in the north sea (that was their main goal, like the fockewulf condor in ww2) and strategic bombing on the English cities. Unfortunately both the zeppelin than the allied heavy bombers in the game (caproni, Ilya Muromets, etc) haven't a bombsight aiming system so you must drop bombs casually on the target aiming only with eyes but don't worry, like I sad the objective will be London or some other city, you ll have just to bomb the city. No military targets. So it s OK. Yes I noticed in the game there was a lack of both eastern front campaigns, and no airship campaigns. So I working on it. In future I will do also a zeppelin campaign on the Macedonian front and in Mediterranean starting from Bulgaria or Austria Hungary. To bomb the allied positions in med, and also in middle east maybe we ll sea it depend by the historic missions I will find.
"War is the art of lie"


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  • "Chi vola vale, chi non vola è un vile

Wow! This sounds great! This is a campaign to fly the Zeppelins or to hunt them?

The zeppelin missions was just like the strategic bombers missions of ww1, just much more slow. They did take off from Germany or Belgium heading for England or for reconnaissance somewhere. The crews were navy sailors specialized in airships. Their Commander, a navy officer named Peter Strasser was one of the first, together with Giulio Douhet, Mitchell etc to talk about total war where also the workers in the factories were legitimate targets.
Down here there is an interesting documentary about Strasser and about his campaign of terroristic bombing over London:

"War is the art of lie"


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That was a very informative TV show! Do you have any other sources for airship info, Nero?


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  • "Chi vola vale, chi non vola è un vile

Give a look on you tube,
I use a few keywords like Zeppelin ww1 documentary to find these videos.
Also the great War Channel maked several episodes about them
"War is the art of lie"


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Molto grazie, l'uomo degli Zeppellini!


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  • "Chi vola vale, chi non vola è un vile

Prego! 🤣 Be patient guys. I will need some month for this last campaigns and for those I planned in the jet era too, but I will release them one at time until the end of the year. That, the one with the Ilya muromets, grigorovich and the others.
"War is the art of lie"


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You may want to hold it until you see what changes and improvements come to the Zeppelins with the next BAT patch :)


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You may want to hold it until you see what changes and improvements come to the Zeppelins with the next BAT patch :)

Yeah I will. Also because I m not nodding right now, (university. I m a nurse and in June and July have tests) I will end these campaigns one at time until the end of the year. In summer I would release one or two for the jet Era too, at least the Rhodesian or the south African one in Angola, and even also the Portuguese in Mozambique. We ll see. So I will wait. 🙂
"War is the art of lie"

Orge Schwab

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That was a very informative TV show! Do you have any other sources for airship info, Nero?

I found this interesting: http://www.hellfirecorner.co.uk/pottersbar/pottersbar.htm

 The linked article says:

"Capitanleutnant Heinrich Mathy was a most experienced and audacious raider who, by October 1916 had taken part in more raids than any other member of the Naval airship service - 14 combat flights in the course of which he had dropped about 34,000 kg of bombs.  A very skilled navigator, Mathy showed real audacity, coolness and daring, and he seemed unstoppable. It was Mathy who had made the most successful single raid on Britain with Zeppelin L 13, when he attacked London itself. This raid had taken place on the 8th of September 1915 and killed 22 people and caused 1.5 million pounds worth of property damage. This one raid would eventually account for nearly two thirds of all Zeppelin damage inflicted on Britain during the airship campaign."

Mathy was once as famous as Manfred von Richthofen and treated like a rock star in Germany - though he is almost forgotten now. Airships were seen as very high tech and their crews attracted the sort of glamour reserved for astronauts in more recent times. He was courted by the press and asked what he would do if his airship - L-31 - was fatally attacked; would he jump or burn (parachutes still being uncommon)? He replied: "I won't know until it happens." You can see what choice he made at the foot of the page.
Many years after the war he was lionized by the Nazi party for his fame and bravery, and its propaganda ministry wanted his body returned to Germany for re-burial in a heroes' mausoleum. However, because of the political situation, that never happened, and his body now lies (along with his entire crew) at Cannock Chase war graves cemetery in England.
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