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Author Topic: ~Angel Wings~  (Read 9918 times)

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~Angel Wings~
« on: April 03, 2020, 09:30:19 AM »

I love Romain Hugault's aviation comics and particularly his "Angel Wings" series!

It's a perfect excuse to set up missions with all kinds of different aircraft, create special skins for them with racy noseart and go see the world...

26 missions of flying action and adventure with WASP and OSS operative extraordinaire - Angela McCloud!

The campaign takes you along a journey following the adventures of WASP (and OSS operative) Angela McCloud in 1944/45. While the story is, of course, complete wild fiction, the background usually is based on real events. I have bent some parts of the comics' story to fit a plausible timeline. Mr Hugault may forgive me.

In 1944 Angela and her sister Maureen are both flying for the WASP all over America, when Maureen dies in a suspicious "training accident".... Angela will not buy the official story of what happened and sets out to use her OSS connections to find the man responsible.... in Burma!

You get to fly a wide variety of aircraft in a great variety of missions. From transport to SAR to intercept or bomber escort.... From the jungles of Burma to Tinian and the vast Pacific Ocean.

(Some of the aircraft used: C-47, P-40, P-47, Piper Cub, L-5, Spitfire VIII, Lysander, Grumman Duck, Grumman Goose, P-51D, B-29...)

For best immersion, please load the indicated pilot skin in each mission, as advised in the briefing texts.
The proper skins will be preselected already.

* Select Highest Rank! (so you will be in the correct plane at all times)
* Set "No Instant Success" to OFF

If you are leading a flight on "taxi to takeoff", remember to order your guys to start engines ;)

In one mission you will get to fly the R-4 Hoverfly helicopter. This may be quite hard if you have very high realism settings. If you find that mission too hard to fly, feel free to skip it. It is a simple "fly from A to B" mission.

Enjoy the ride and please watch the movies completely for possible story relevant content :)

part 2 takes you to the Pacific... for an unexpected reunion and some sidetrack missions into hostile territory, day and night!

enjoy 8)


There are a lot of skins in this mission pack. Some are mine, some are my edits of others, many are original from my archives.
Sources include Sakai, sgtrock and many others. Many thanks to all skinmakers!



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Re: ~Angel Wings~
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2020, 09:47:10 AM »

here's some suggested soundtrack along the way....


Hans-Joachim Marseille

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Re: ~Angel Wings~
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2020, 10:36:49 AM »

Great stuff! Thx! I have also noticed lots of pressure on her buttons and zipper. Very well knitted!   :)
"United we stand against Evil." #FCKPTN. #SlavaUkraini


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Re: ~Angel Wings~
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2020, 12:58:37 PM »

The wait was worth it!!

Long ago I made a bunch of skins for the 14th AF, 80th FG, 28th Fighter Squadron. I researched all I was able to and came up with 22 skins with what numbers I gleaned from photos. What a waste of time - yours, or whoever's - are far, far better than mine.

I just completed the first mission and, not bragging (much), but the nasty Japs never laid a shot my C-47. Those clouds are a lifesaver. In previous versions there would've been no contest at all and the poor Gooney Bird would've added to the "Aluminum Trail"!

Looking forward to the rest of the missions.

Thank you so much.



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Re: ~Angel Wings~
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2020, 04:26:13 PM »

Great! I like those books and I will certainly enjoy this campaign. I meet Romain Hugault during various meetings and he sign me some books. Impressive to see him drawing so fast and so easily.



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Re: ~Angel Wings~
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2020, 01:51:33 AM »

I downloaded this with a skeptical eye, but this is brilliant, Vampire.

I just finished the downed pilot rescue mission in the Piper with the Stinson flying cover to take out the MG with rockets, and I am totally hooked!!!

I had no idea there were custom features like that in IL21946!

Well done, Vampire!  Have you done more like this?  Links please, if so.  Also, do you know of more fictional story campaigns like this?

Angel Wings is simply a blast!  ]thumbsup[  ]notworthy[  ]cheers[  ]headbang[


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Re: ~Angel Wings~
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2020, 03:10:15 AM »

Thank you very much for the feedback, I am happy to see you enjoy yourself :)
That downed pilot rescue took me a lot of time to set up "right", so it was playable.

Here's some more fictional stuff from me, all can be found here on SAS:

Crimson Skies:

and something I made after Assassins Creed: Odyssey - Il-2 style


wern moldy

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Re: ~Angel Wings~
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2020, 12:09:02 AM »

A few other campaigns which have unique narratives that you may be interested in are the Tin Tin War series and Castaway.
With the former, your air opponents are not what you'd expect, the division of axis and allies doesn't exist in the expected way.
With Castaway, you crash land on a Pacific Island and fly sorties in available kites on the island, trying to avoid detection and ultimately make your escape back to your lines. All are available for download from the usual sources.


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Re: ~Angel Wings~
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2020, 04:17:46 PM »

Just finished the first mission in this campaign, and may I say, Angela just flew my socks off!

I don't usually fly heavies - carrier aviation tends to be my thing - but having flown a couple of other story based mission sets this one looked intriguing. And can I say, that first "routine" C-47 mission was just brilliant!

When those bandits turned up and started to pepper my crate, I did not expect to make it out alive! Weaving in and out of clouds, and desperately diving in and out of valleys and scraping over ridges proved futile, with the Dakota being progressively chewed up, and a notification of a fuel leak. But a fortuitous clearing in the cloud revealed the deep, winding river valley off to one side, so, down we dive into it, weaving for all we're worth around the bends and twists, barely above the water's surface at times.

It's cheating, I know, since I expected the AI to have trouble targeting us down there, but, hey, who was it said "Know your enemy"? And, while it didn't prevent them from firing on us and scoring a few more hits, it worked! Until a couple of friendlies finally turned up in response to our desperate calls for help and saved our asses! With such limited visibility from the cockpit (I never use external views while flying), we could not be certain we were safe, even though we did hear an "I got one!" call from a friendly. So, evasive manoeuvres continued until near the end of the valley, then, when all had been quiet for some while, it was time to climb up and over the ridge to find our destination, and bring our battered and bleeding bird home to roost.

Thank you very much, SAS~vampire_pilot. I haven't had that much fun with my socks on in many months! Here's looking forward to the next instalment!



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Re: ~Angel Wings~
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2020, 04:50:31 PM »

Thanks for the links, Vampire...I will definitely check them out!

That you very much for the feedback, I am happy to see you enjoy yourself :)
That downed pilot rescue took me a lot of time to set up "right", so it was playable.

Here's some more fictional stuff, all can be found here on SAS:

Crimson Skies:

and something I made after Assassins Creed: Odyssey - Il-2 style


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Re: ~Angel Wings~
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2020, 04:58:06 PM »

Thanks for the tip on these campaigns, wern!

I've run across some of these fictional type campaigns once in a while, when looking for new historical and semi-historical campaigns, but never paid any attention to them.  Didn't realize how fun they would be until I downloaded Angel Wings.  Will check these out, too!


A few other campaigns which have unique narratives that you may be interested in are the Tin Tin War series and Castaway.
With the former, your air opponents are not what you'd expect, the division of axis and allies doesn't exist in the expected way.
With Castaway, you crash land on a Pacific Island and fly sorties in available kites on the island, trying to avoid detection and ultimately make your escape back to your lines. All are available for download from the usual sources.


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Re: ~Angel Wings~
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2020, 10:45:35 PM »

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