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Author Topic: 109L Campaign  (Read 3431 times)

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109L Campaign
« on: April 12, 2020, 09:07:11 AM »

Here is a Me-109L Campaign that I have started. 9 Missions so far but I hope to expand it later.


The aim of this campaign would be fighting back towards Germany's boarders. An extension would include the Soviets pushing into France, or a counterattack that pushes the Soviets back.
Does anyone have thoughts so far? The first couple of missions are slightly less populated but the later ones are hopefully full and exciting.
This is the first campaign that I have created in Il-2.
Finally, what are good ways to add variety to a campaign?

Corrected the naming error as pointed out by Ta183


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Re: 109L Campaign
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2020, 09:15:50 AM »

Just downloaded, I'll give it a play

Preliminary impression upon install: the .properties file for mission 8 is titled "109LPoland009," not "109LPoland008" like the .mis file, which would make the briefing not show up for the mission. It's a simple fix, but I figured I'd point it out as a heads up


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Re: 109L Campaign
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2020, 09:35:54 AM »

Have corrected the error as pointed out by Ta183


Hans-Joachim Marseille

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Re: 109L Campaign
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2020, 10:16:34 AM »

That plane is badass. Thx for this!  :)
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Re: 109L Campaign
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2020, 05:30:49 PM »

Hey, nice! Thanks for making a campaign for my mod!

On average, the average average averages, averagely, the average average of all averages.


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Re: 109L Campaign
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2020, 06:29:20 AM »

Hey, nice! Thanks for making a campaign for my mod!

Your welcome. Thanks for the planes.


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Re: 109L Campaign
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2020, 03:07:07 PM »

Ok, so I'm making this follow-up because of some... thoughts I have upon reaching mission 4 of this campaign

Firstly: I like the idea of it. What bits and pieces of narrative are present are very neat, and I liking the narrative so far (at least what is present in the briefings)

Secondly: I don't want you to think that I'm being malicious with my critique, as I'd very much like this to be a working product

That being said, there's some major issues with this campaign that I'll approach with the caveat that I may well not be playing this on the settings you made it for.

The settings I'm using are near-full-switch real, with icons, speed bar, minimap path, and player map icon being the only exceptions. You may well have made this for different settings, but since there were no recommended settings, I used the ones I usually use unless the campaign maker directs otherwise.

Mission 1: Nothing really odd to note, although it seemed to be a bit long for what ended up being an establishing mission of the group of 4 flying to the airbase. If there was intended to be air contact, I didn't see anything.

Mission 2: This one is where issues that occur in the later missions first manifest. Firstly, this may be just my opinion, but the 109Ls aren't the greatest Jabos, which is the primary role you have them in (all combat missions up to mission 4), mainly because of it's light internal fuel capacity and performance more suited to interceptor duties. Secondly, it seems like you didn't playtest this with limited fuel on, since this mission was impossible to complete on the 109L's internal fuel load, and I ended up landing at the first available airbase back in friendly territory, since I wouldn't have made it to any other airbases farther in without running out, much less the intended one. Additionally, the darkness of the mission made locating ground targets impossible, aside from searchlights here and there. If those were intended to be the targets we were to attack, I didn't know, as the briefing only generally stated "ground targets/forces." I ended up attempting to drop my bomb on one, but I missed (that's all on me). There were a few Yaks I spotted before conducting my attack (a fair distance off), but any attempt to locate them after attacking the searchlight was fruitless. They didn't attempt to engage my flight.

Mission 3: This one went the most normally, although you had the waypoints doing way more backtracking and circling around than the 109L's fuel load could really handle. We ended up being intercepted by Yaks before bombing ground forces, I dumped my bomb to engage them and shot down 2, the other 2 disappeared, not sure if they disengaged or my wingman got them. I ended up strafing some AAA and returning to base, however I went straight back to the new airstrip (cutting across the waypoint paths) because if I followed the waypoint path home I would have run out of gas before making it home.

Mission 4: This is where I'm stuck, because as it stands it is impossible to take off. Starting on the runway, the plane immediately starts sliding to the right, before I've even turned on the engine. Locking chocks and tailwheel helped initially, however after repeated restarts the chocks stopped disengaging (i.e, they wouldn't unlock after I locked them). Sitting on the ground, the speed bar noted that my plane was moving at -14-17 km/h, which increased to -23-25 km/h after I started my engine. On the few times I managed to successfully get rolling, I would either veer uncontrollably to the right or would run along more or less straight until my tail came up, at which point my gear would break and I'd either belly in and grind to a halt, or explode.

Screenshots of the negative speed on the runway:

This is really quite frustrating, as I really want to like this campaign. It's a really neat premise, using a mod-plane that doesn't get a lot of coverage in missions or campaigns, so I really wanted to like this, but as it stands, there's a lot working against it, at least at this stage.



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Re: 109L Campaign
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2020, 04:25:33 PM »

Mission 1: Nothing really odd to note, although it seemed to be a bit long for what ended up being an establishing mission of the group of 4 flying to the airbase. If there was intended to be air contact, I didn't see anything.

I play on vastly simpler settings and there was supposed to be a meeting with a couple of Yaks. But they are a minute ahead of the player's schwarm and thus not able to be met on realistic settings.


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Re: 109L Campaign
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2020, 04:36:55 PM »

That would make sense.

Come to think of it, I'm wondering if having all map icons on would be a better way to run it/how redbaron made it.

Still don't know how I'd deal with the takeoff issue on mission 4 though.


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Re: 109L Campaign
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2020, 04:49:35 PM »

I got more comments

Mission 2-4 Bf-109L are not intended for Jabo missions.

Mission 4, the 109s have not been properly set for takeoff, resulting in weird spawning areas, like off the runway in Mission 4.

Mission 5, the 109s leave Breslau too soon to intercept bombers

Mission 6, the 109s cannot strafe Soviet tanks with cannon

Mission 7, another long range mission that can cause problems for limited fuel

Mission 8, strafing mission

Might be possible that all missions might have messed up takeoff setup


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Re: 109L Campaign
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2020, 05:24:25 AM »

Thanks for the feedback so far. I will take a look at the 'mission 4 take off issue' and the timings as well.

With regard to the strafing missions, the L-1 is replaced by the L-3 'Zerstorer', which has the much more powerful cannon later on.
Would you say that the L-3 is suitable for ground attack missions/JABO?

Also, I will be honest and say that this is the first campaign that I have ever tried to create.



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Re: 109L Campaign
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2020, 05:59:59 AM »

The L-3 is heavier armed, although that being said, the armament is still more suited to anti-bomber roles, as (in my own brief tests) the guns do not have sufficient penetration to take on properly armored ground targets, such as tanks. They are perfectly acceptable for lighter stuff, like trucks, infantry, APCs, and light bunkers, but it strikes me as still not using the L model to it's strengths, but, as I said before, that might just be me.

And in all honesty, for your first campaign, the story idea is pretty neat (as I've said before), the aircraft you've chosen as the centerpiece is one that hasn't seen a lot of missions made for it, and the missions actually load and are in sequence in the .ini. That's more than I could say for the first campaign project I tried building.
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