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Author Topic: 109L Campaign  (Read 3430 times)

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Re: 109L Campaign
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2020, 06:55:42 AM »

From my experience, the Bf-109L is best used for air superiority and interception, as their enormous firepower allows them to knock down strategic bombers easier.

But for a first campaign attempt, it is pretty good.

Some advice for setting up takeoffs, make sure you do not move the takeoff waypoint from where the game puts it or else you might mess up the take off sequence.

In addition, make sure when doing escort missions or interception missions that the aircraft arrive at the same time, or else they will not encounter each other.

Lastly, limit operations to the daytime, as the Bf-109L is not designed to sortie at night. It's also more dangerous to fly at night because you might get spatially disoriented and crash not knowing which way is up or down.


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Re: 109L Campaign
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2020, 07:47:17 AM »

I think He is not a Missionary, He was a Novice and Rookie,

He needs to Learn more.

Best Regards KT503
My Greatest and Best Regards KT503


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Re: 109L Campaign
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2020, 09:26:57 AM »

I have taken a look at the feedback received and I can change the mission times to avoid night time missions.
One tool that I have noticed is the C+C 'ground control for intercept'. When I set it up for myself I get 'heads-up display' notifications saying that there are enemy aircraft a particular distance way (up to 100km).

I have also noticed 'ground control for intercept for AI', which means that the AI planes get vectored towards you (or your wingmen vector towards the enemy). This could be a solution for some timing issues and have experimented with it in mission 1.
I know that the GCI tools were partially developed with night-fighting in mind, but could they be used in a regular campaign as well?

I will also adapt some of the strike missions so that they are an 'escort' mission instead.

I took a look at mission 4, including deleting and recreating the way point but could not workout what was wrong. Other aircraft did not have the problem and other missions also took off ok from the airfield as well.
Could someone with more experience possibly look at the '.mis' file and let me know what is wrong?
If it continues I can just remove the mission from the campaign, but I would like to know how to avoid this problem in future.


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Re: 109L Campaign
« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2020, 10:10:50 AM »

I recommend to you to delete the player schwarm entirely and redo the mission path again. I also recommend that both the waypoints directly after takeoff and before landing should be in line with the runway.


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Re: 109L Campaign
« Reply #16 on: April 16, 2020, 03:03:57 PM »

Thanks for the advice. Am in the process of reviewing all 8 missions now and am probably going to 'upgrade' the aircraft to the L-3 'Zerstorer as well.

May I ask?
With regard to the Breslau/B-29 (supposed to be Tu-4, but that is in JTW) would it be better to have an unescorted larger formation (the B-29 does not of course have the 23mm cannon that the Tu-4 carried) or an escorted one with less bombers?
If so, what would be the best escort for a high attitude raid?


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Re: 109L Campaign
« Reply #17 on: April 16, 2020, 03:12:36 PM »

I assume the soviets would have used the operational altitude limit of the Superfortress to it's fullest (so around 30-33,000 feet, 10-11,000 meters)

Due to the lack of high-altitude aircraft produced, I'd assume that they'd use large formations unescorted. This is contradicted by the fact that the USSR never managed to make substantial numbers of prop-driven heavy bombers.

If you were to stick to smaller formations with escorts, it'd track that the Soviets would, in this alternate timeline, have them escorted by (actually developed and produced, since they'd have a purpose now) MiG-7/11s that took off from bases closer to the front lines. Either that, or jet fighter escorts, but I feel the MiG-7/11 would make an interesting opponent for the 109L.

Granted, this is just my take on what would make a good scenario type, your own creative mileage may vary.


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Re: 109L Campaign
« Reply #18 on: April 23, 2020, 04:40:28 PM »

With regard to some of the feedback I got for the earlier campaign I have reviewed the first three missions and uploaded them as three separate missions (they can be played in sequence if someone wants, but I felt that this was slightly easier since it means that if one mission is lower quality the others can still be played easily.


If anyone else has created standalone single missions for the 109L (or other alt-history ones, such as the dragonfly 46) then I would love to see them.
Hope you enjoy the above three. I will try to update the others but have been busy finishing of a dissertation.



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Re: 109L Campaign
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2020, 10:15:40 AM »

Mission 2-4 Bf-109L are not intended for Jabo missions.

Hmmmmmm......  ;)
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