The eastern front 1914 1917
For avoid confusion and to not spam the forum with 10 threads with the same title, I decided to post all the Russian campaigns of that serie here, the link below comprehend the Imperial Russian navy campaign 1st part, 1914 15 in the caucasus theater, and the new Galician campaign of 1915, first part of the Russian army trilogy.
Only the Grigorovich campaign will stay of his own since is much bigger than these ones, and deserve a stand own thread I guess. With descriptions etc etc,
IMPERIAL RUSSIAN AIR FLEET CAMPAIGN, THE BATTLE FOR GALICIA, 1915 IN THE LINK BELOW: this campaigns are only based on historical events. It do not pretend to be 100% historical
EDIT: For those playing the Galician campaign a suggest: in the last 5 missions, you will fly the farman f30, it is a very diverse machine than the Maurice Farman 11 short horn you flied in the early missions, it is faster, and it s conceived as a fighter too, it go easily over 120 130 km h sometime, so don't be afraid to engage enemy aviatiks, ofc do it cautious, don't attack like a bull since their rear gunners have a big fire angle, also up and down, find a dead zone in their visual where they can't shoot and attack. But don't be scared to have a slower plane etc as if you was with the old pre war farman. The F30 is a pretty good pusher fighter ground attacker. Enough fast too.