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Author Topic: UberQuick Mission Generator (UQMG) for BAT Project Development News (02 Mar 2021 // Update 004 Released, support BAT WAW 4.1.1)  (Read 31221 times)

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  • UberDemon/danzigzag
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Best Regards, UberDemon/danzigzag, Get UQMG at SAS BAT Mission area.  www.uberdemon.net no longer exists.  (** Alienware Aurora R7 / i7-8700 3.20GHz / 16GB RAM / Win 10 x64 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 **)


  • UberDemon/danzigzag
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Best Regards, UberDemon/danzigzag, Get UQMG at SAS BAT Mission area.  www.uberdemon.net no longer exists.  (** Alienware Aurora R7 / i7-8700 3.20GHz / 16GB RAM / Win 10 x64 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 **)


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Astonishing amount off work gone into this ,thank you very much

Used the right from the beginning of this Sim ,so good to see this invaluable generator updated for BAT


  • UberDemon/danzigzag
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Pleasant news:  UberQuick Mission Manager (UQMM) is operational in the latest release.  Read more here:  https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,65172.0.html
Best Regards, UberDemon/danzigzag, Get UQMG at SAS BAT Mission area.  www.uberdemon.net no longer exists.  (** Alienware Aurora R7 / i7-8700 3.20GHz / 16GB RAM / Win 10 x64 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 **)


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Good news, in my recent working build of UQMG Classic (now at 6.1.3), I was able to implement all routines to allow for in-program version change.  This is the first step towards having multiple versions available to the same UQMG installation.  The code is robust so if the user makes an error (enters bogus or invalid information) it will not allow it, and you can cancel out of the selection.  The only inconvenience is that you have to re-start UQMG, but I am afraid there is no way around that one.

Why does this matter?  Eventually in the same UQMG installation you will be able to pick amongst the different BAT modules, as well as the last stable "classic version" (up to 4.12 and AAA mods).  I could look further into SAS MODACT, 4.13, 4.14 but those are low priority right now.

Oh, yeah, pictures.

Best Regards, UberDemon/danzigzag, Get UQMG at SAS BAT Mission area.  www.uberdemon.net no longer exists.  (** Alienware Aurora R7 / i7-8700 3.20GHz / 16GB RAM / Win 10 x64 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 **)


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HOT FIX 001 Released (26 Oct 2020)

Read about it, download and get install instructions here:  https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,65131.0.html

Best Regards, UberDemon/danzigzag, Get UQMG at SAS BAT Mission area.  www.uberdemon.net no longer exists.  (** Alienware Aurora R7 / i7-8700 3.20GHz / 16GB RAM / Win 10 x64 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 **)


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Today I started the research work into what it will take to update UQMG with the BAT WAW Ground Objects.  Well, it will be super challenging, but I think I can do it.

I should be able to add things like taxiing planes as vehicles, Command and Control modules available where the fires sirens and static objects.

Most likely I will have all moving objects in all moving object categories for flexibility.  Same thing with Artillery and Armor, they will be selectable in same fields.

I will have to build files with all the data, then I will have to create UQMG compatible files, then I'll have to create a substitutions matrix, then I'll have to update the routine for "uqmg" mission script files, for those that use Ground Object modifications and matching.

This will take some time, but I'll work on that.  Bottom line is that I can't really start working on DOF, JTW, and TGA until I sort this out.

Once I get done with DOF, JTW and TGA, then I start working in new features which have been added in the IL-2 mission engine, like changing weather, date system, etc.  I am not sure if I will be able to implement scripted taxiing, but we'll see.

This maybe something I look into if I can figure out a programmatically enhanced way to generate new map templates.
Best Regards, UberDemon/danzigzag, Get UQMG at SAS BAT Mission area.  www.uberdemon.net no longer exists.  (** Alienware Aurora R7 / i7-8700 3.20GHz / 16GB RAM / Win 10 x64 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 **)


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This maybe something I look into if I can figure out a programmatically enhanced way to generate new map templates.

You have our support!


  • UberDemon/danzigzag
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Just doing some research:

Below is a survey of the ground/surface objects and parameter files which I will have to parse and use to populate the following UQMG classic files:

Located at:
* E:\Program Files (x86)\UberQuickPF\ini\BAT_WAW\main\
-- mm_carriers.ini (list of all carriers in IL-2)
--- Format:  <syntax_nickname>

Located at:
* C:\Users\UberDemon\Documents\My Code\VB2019\UCT2020\UCT2020\bin\Debug\Projects\WAW400\GroundPrep\uqmg\database
-- g_s*.ini = static objects (4 total)
-- g_m*.ini = moving objects (9 total, does not include static planes which are already done)
--- Format:  TL,CS,TY,PR,PS,PW

TL = Text Label
CS = Code Syntax understood by IL2/FB/AEP/PC mission script language
TY = Type of Object, as classified below
PR = Preference for Army, 1 (Red), 2(Blue) or 0(Either).  Used in Random Engine
PS = Summer Picture - Not used and reserved for potential use in future
PW = Winter Picture - Not used and reserved for potential use in future

-- g_cset(*).ini = (0 to 7) ground sets for auto-suggestions based on country/time
--- Format:  comma separated list with ground-object text display from UQMG (Will have to take into consideration that new text labels will have to be double-quoted due to comma separation

I may also need to change g_cblue.ini and g_cred.ini which have country definition for ground object matching...  may need to consider if this can be changed at this moment.

Of the files below, I will need to use data from 3 files:
* 0_U20_MainStationary.ini (UCT2020)
* techniques.properties (IL-2)
* chief.ini (IL-2)

Description:  UCT/UQMG2013 file which reformats "stationary.ini"
Location:  Current UCT Project


* This file is necessary

Description:  IL-2 file with text description of ground/surface objects, stationary or moving (not static planes, not buildings)
Location:  E:\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946.BAT\#WAW3\STD\i18n
<nickname> <text_description>

KV1_late_Cpy   Company of KV-1, 1942

Note 1:  Header has categories, Comments marked by '#'
Note 2:  Major categories are indicated by Comments
Note 3:  Text description contains name of associated country or patters for hints
Below are Moving categories
# --- [Armor] ---
# --- [Infantry] ---
# --- [Vehicles] ---
# --- [Trains] ---
# --- [Ships] ---

Below are static categories
# --- [Artillery] ---
# --- [StationaryArmor] ---
# --- [StationaryInfantry] ---
# --- [StationaryObjects] ---

* This file is necessary

Description:  IL-2 file with moving type class name and general "mat" file, as well as team indication
Location:  E:\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946.BAT\#WAW3\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects
Format 1:
 moveType <type>
 <nickname> <java_class_type> <team> <icon_mat>

Example 1:
 moveType TRAIN
 USSR_Locomotive_2   objects.trains.Train 1 icons/train.mat

Format 2:

Example 2:

Note 1:  Nicknames sometimes indicate associated country
Note 2:  Comments are marked with semi-colen ';'
Note 3:  Composition of composite groups like trains, convoys, tanks are defined under the [class_name_syntax] header, for single objects like one car, there is only one line
Note 4:  Will need to convert '\u' unicode escape characters

Below are categories:
 moveType TROOPER
 moveType VEHICLE
 moveType VEHICLE
 moveType TRAIN
 moveType SHIP

* This file is necessary
- Has syntax name for moving types, as well as team

Final Notes:

Moving Ships are:  Ships.<nickname>
Moving Armor are:  Armor.<nickname>
Moving Infantry are:  Infantry.<nickname>
Moving Vehicles are:  Vehicles.<nickname>
Moving Trains are:  Trains.<nickname>

ship.ini, tanks.ini, vehicle.ini
Description:  IL-2 file with Ship/Tank/Vehicle 3D model definition
Location:  E:\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946.BAT\#WAW3\STD\i18n
<nickname> <3d_model_definition_location> <0>

* These files are NOT necessary for UQMG processing

ships.ini, technics.ini
Description:  IL-2 file with Ship/Ground object component details, gun parameters, hull strength, etc
Location:  E:\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946.BAT\#WAW3\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects
Complex items and headers

Note:  Comments marked with double forward slash as in C/Java '//'

* These files are NOT necessary for UQMG processing
Best Regards, UberDemon/danzigzag, Get UQMG at SAS BAT Mission area.  www.uberdemon.net no longer exists.  (** Alienware Aurora R7 / i7-8700 3.20GHz / 16GB RAM / Win 10 x64 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 **)

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Whow! Me beeing only a (half)decent deskflyer cannot enough appreciate the work you and other modder are doing! THX for your efforts to make this sim even more enjoyable!
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