Think about it.
So you need the hands to do whatever you are doing, pressing buttons, pulling levers , etc. However you actually need to know what you are going to do before you do it.
You press the undercarriage up button. In the real world you move your hand to the control in the cockpit, use the control , then move your hand somewhere else.
So either we introduce a delay so the animation is correct and the animation triggers the action, or it will look shit.
Then we need to handle inverse kinematics. Joints can only move in certain planes and angles. You will have to simulate three points. Head , left hand, right hand. Then use them to calculate a body pose.
So we need to know the location of all the controls, for all aircraft, every one of them!
This can be done , but it is not trivial
Then you have the main problem.
The near plane of the camera usually ends up inside the body mesh. So without complex code and some clever tricks you end up looking inside arms, inside the body, inside all sorts of things.
Now if it was a commercial project, and I had full source code, and a fully functioning build system, access to a graphics artist running the latest version of Maya, I would quote 4 weeks for the job and £20,000.
I am only saying that so you understand just how complex a task it is.