I am sorry I arrived a little late to help out
bestekampfpilot58but I will suggest for you to set up your game in a way that some "Mods" will load first before
other mods. This is very important.
The two PA_Jeronimo´s Mods.... Better-Wheels and Engine-Cowling Mods... should be loaded first before the
FW-190 mega-pack by Claymore, or any other mod-aircraft which use these better 3d-fixes and new wheels.
Those 2 folders must be placed ABOVE the other folders.
Also , many other mods must be placed in a way inside your #SAS folder , that they load first before others, so there will no
file conflicts with other mods. (Always read the instructions which come with the downloads)
This will also help out in checking to see inside each mod folder as to what file may be interfering with a new
mod airplane if they start having problems.
The only way I can explain this better is to show you a screenshot of the way I have my game set up.
My personal game 2 folders for the PA_Jeronimo´s mods are named...
http://i.imgur.com/GaPt0Wo.pngKeep in mind that I am using the VP-Modpack, but in the last couple of months I have included into it
many other new mods and also many new jets.
So far, I have everything working very good and rarely have
any file problems with any of them. If a problem does occur, I can always check the error-log file and look inside
as to what file is making the problem. But they are all working great.