Hi Canaous, right click on your il2_core file and go down to properties and click. This will bring up your properties screen. On the General tab on the Type Of File what type of file does it say it is?
It is "files DLL (.dll)
You should not download any repair software.
The link was provided to show you the possible error reasons, buddy.
Try method 2 on this page.
I tried Method 2 and it did not solve my problem.
I did a search for "win32 error", but nothing useful. Canauos, which Windows version are you using?
My advice would be to try just the basic SAS modact 5.3 with a new 4.12 install and see how that works.
Delete this failed install. Compatibility modes and running as admin is good advice, you should try that too.
I'm using Windows 10 pro N and I have download Media Feature Pack (for Windows media and more).
I have
I have already tried to download the mod twice, to install it each time on a clean new installation.
I just downloaded the mod HSFX 7.0.3 and it works fine.
For these error messages, it's a mystery !! More than 100 games have been downloaded and installed on my computer (some with mods) and I have never had any application problems.
I wish to play IL2 1946 especially for the fights in the Pacific and aircraft carrier.
Is HSFX 7.0.3 enough for me or is Modact 5.3 or 6.4 a better visual experience?
For the VPmodpack, after hours of downloads and installation, I start to despair ...
In this regard, how to quickly remove my IL2 + VPmodpack installation?
Every time, it takes me more than an hour.