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Author Topic: VP Modpack Discussion  (Read 76298 times)

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Re: VP Modpack Discussion
« Reply #1416 on: August 12, 2017, 10:39:01 AM »

Hi guys

Just installed VP Pack and it looks great. I was having some low FPS with BAT and read about this pack.

I was reading through the thread and got burnt out at page 38. This is a long thread. Might be nice to a new one started with the important and up to date information contained in it.

A couple questions

Is there a list of campaigns that are compatible for VP Pack? Looking for a good Battle for Britain after seeing Dunkirt

It was mentioned in the video tutorial about installing a Jet pack into VP pack. Is there some instructions on how to do it and where the pack is.  I understand VP is for WW2 but it would be nice to fly the F86 and others?

Is anyone using SweetFX and if so would you mind sharing your setup?


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Re: VP Modpack Discussion
« Reply #1417 on: August 12, 2017, 12:13:50 PM »

The pack haven't changed since its release, so all the important info is in the fist post. The patches only contain a few bugfixes and a lot of texture updates. In your forum profile switch to 50 posts/page, then this topic is only 30 pages.

Excellent BoB campaign: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=269

Jets can be installed into the pack, but before you do so deactivate #SAS/!CTO_Modact5 and !!00_0_FXEvolution_v4.12, because these are not compatible with the SAS Engine mod. Did the BAT#JTW have low fps? I'm asking because that is the latest and probably the best jet pack around. You can also try CUP#JTW, it's a smaller download. I did plan a jet expansion for my pack, but right now I simply dont have the time for building it and also for a comprehensive beta test.


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Re: VP Modpack Discussion
« Reply #1418 on: August 12, 2017, 01:23:11 PM »

Thanks I will check it out. Well the BAT Jet Age has better performance than the WW2 does. I wonder why their WW2 is so slow. I am running an i7 with a 980 Superclocked card and some maps are down under 20fps in spots. I took a screen shot over Dover in both MOD Packs and they look pretty close to the same. I get 60+ in VP Pack and 30-40 in BAT V3.1



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Re: VP Modpack Discussion
« Reply #1419 on: August 12, 2017, 10:07:48 PM »

I measured my average fps at the beginning (Black Death track, SAS modact 5.30 with no mods) and at the end of the modpack building process. My goal was not to have major difference in the avg fps (the included effects mod has an impact of 3-4 fps, but that's it).

I also measured the fps of every single object, vehicle, airplane, ship, etc. in the Full Mission Builder (press shift+tab then type:'fps SHOW START'). We are talking about the testing period of one year and 10.000+ individual fps measurements.

There were also the thousands of fixes in the mat (texture parameters, wrong parameters with modded 3d mesh can cause huge fps drop and it wont show up in the error log) files and hundreds of texture size adjustments. For example I dont use 1024 texture for a small button in a cockpit.

Since repeating java errors kill the fps I made sure not to include anything too problematic. Large amount of included mods are also a factor in performance. Of course this puts some limitations on my modpacks size, hence it's ww2 only. Sometimes less is more. :)


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Re: VP Modpack Discussion
« Reply #1420 on: August 13, 2017, 08:49:45 AM »

Solomons maps problem.

It was brought to my attention that some of my old Solomons map missions were not working correctly at takeoff.

Looking for the problem, I noticed that Solomons 08-42 map is OK but all the other maps are messed up - bad!

The actors file is changed which makes the airfield takeoffs line up in the wrong place!
If you look at those maps in the Full Mission Builder, you will see that the "runway markers" are not lined up correctly on the runways.
AND some runways do not even have the markers!


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Re: VP Modpack Discussion
« Reply #1421 on: August 13, 2017, 11:47:03 AM »

You can simply delete the wrong actors.static files.


I can edit these actors files as a text file but I'm not sure how to reintroduce the right runway coordinates, so I'm probably left with redoing everything. :(

I'm not even sure how those coordinates changed since the runway plates, etc are there and the actors filesizes are different so its not the case of accidentally using the early '42 data for the rest of the maps. The culprit must be Zuti's Actors tool in combination with a large map.


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Re: VP Modpack Discussion
« Reply #1422 on: August 13, 2017, 02:21:29 PM »

You can simply delete the wrong actors.static files.

You should probably delete them and update the Modpack or at least make users aware of the problem.  Some users may just think its a mission problem or something else and get discouraged.

I can edit these actors files as a text file but I'm not sure how to reintroduce the right runway coordinates, so I'm probably left with redoing everything. :(
Can you just delete the actors files and have it revert back to the stock actors?

I'm not even sure how those coordinates changed since the runway plates, etc are there and the actors filesizes are different so its not the case of accidentally using the early '42 data for the rest of the maps. The culprit must be Zuti's Actors tool in combination with a large map.
I was thinking the same thing.  Somehow the only screwup was the Runway "red arrows" getting misaligned or even deleted.


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Re: VP Modpack Discussion
« Reply #1423 on: August 14, 2017, 02:27:35 AM »

I'll fix this in the next patch. But before that I need to check the other maps, which will take some time. Until then it's best to delete those actors files. I did not mean to mess up your campaigns, but everybody needs to understand that such things do happen in il-2 modding.


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Re: VP Modpack Discussion
« Reply #1424 on: August 14, 2017, 07:19:12 AM »

oh, no worry!  I'm not upset.  Sorry about the large fonts above :)
I'm just glad we discovered this and it can easily be corrected by deleting the actors files.

Somehow, word needs to get out to everyone who has the Modpack so that they can delete those files.
Maybe announce it in the Lounge forum and add a statement in the Modpack discussion page.

All packages have bugs so it's understandable.  Overall, this Modpack is outstanding!  I use it almost exclusively.


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Re: VP Modpack Discussion
« Reply #1425 on: August 14, 2017, 08:16:03 AM »

If more than 50% of the downloaders follow the patches, then I will consider myself lucky. In reality it's probably around 25-30% (my educated guess, I dont know the exact numbers), so most people will still have the unpatched pack or some earlier version. It can't be helped. People have busy lives and there are lots of online and offline distractions, nowdays you basically got one shot at getting peoples attention. I'm an IL-2 superfan but I rarely check again the topics of mods I downloaded, unless there's some problem. For example I only recently discovered that the great BoM map has bunch of updates...somehow they failed to get the word out. The only way they could have reached me is via PM. A mailing list and auto-patching could resolve such issues, but even if we could do it, it's to late. You need to have those on release day.


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Re: VP Modpack Discussion
« Reply #1426 on: August 16, 2017, 12:09:53 AM »

Needs more He-111 and Ju-88 variants. Otherwise this mod is perfect.
My YouTube channel - https://goo.gl/6BYvMt


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Re: VP Modpack Discussion
« Reply #1427 on: August 16, 2017, 05:18:30 PM »

I created a new UDPSpeed skin for the Spitfire to use with my simpit. Here it is running VP Pack. Hard to get a decent picture. It looks better in person.

Brilliant, OverDhill!!
Will you share your work with us?

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