I've been testing the campaign folder you linked a while back and the campaigns all works a lot better, however I found an error with the RAF campaign 'Channel Front for fighter bombers' with the Normandy 1942 start, this is continuing on from a 1941 start.
Below is the text from the DgenERROR file, it is not in the code format because the forum wouldn't let me post it, I cut off the first section of the error file so it isn't as large.
PlayerWing found:RAF_No003SQN
TestWing(f,s): I_JG2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): II_JG2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): III_JG2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG1 0 00
TestWing(f,s): II_JG1 0 00
TestWing(f,s): III_JG1 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG26 0 00
TestWing(f,s): III_JG54 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG27 0 00
TestWing(f,s): II_JG27 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): II_JG2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): III_JG2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG1 0 00
TestWing(f,s): II_JG1 0 00
TestWing(f,s): III_JG1 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG26 0 00
TestWing(f,s): III_JG54 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG27 0 00
TestWing(f,s): II_JG27 0 00
TestWing(f,s): 8AF_056FG_63FS 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No001SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No003SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No001SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No003SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No091SQN 0 00
Cannot parse squad descriptionSpit_Vb_Early_Flashes.bmp