Thanks vpmedia,
that was the first thing I tried ... the problem I think is he won,t change from Windows XP. ... He likes it...I also had to install the original game for him using a USB drive. End of the day, i/we got it working via a round-about method with really good frame rates even on is vintage Pc
The VP MOd is as easy as A, B, C to install...very straight forward.
Also just for the record, I'm currently running a half dozen different IL-2 folders with Windows XP Home Edition SP3 32 bit and up until recently also XP Professional SP2 64 bit without any problems at all.
My PC was built in early 2010 with a Pentium E5400 Dual Core Processor @ 2.70GHz, 2.75 GB of Ram and my Graphics card is a relic (an nVidia GT 240 with only 1GB memory) compared to current ones on the market.
I'm running IL-2 BAT and IL-2 VP MOD with the game settings full (ie detailed clouds, Perfect Landscape blah blah blah) and still get around 60fps unless I run into extremely heavy combat situations with hundreds of tracers and numerous bursts of flak flying around all at the same time.
One thing I have done which I tend to believe helps a bit is, I ensure my Hard Drive is Defragged and optimized, my registry is cleaned up and optimized, and I often run END IT ALL before starting up IL-2.
I also have shut down many PC applications/Processes that automatically run in the background of XP needlessly sucking the life out of the Computer's Processor.