Hello Dear Istvan I love your Modpack, you are doing a great Job Thank You for your Work and effort.
in your Modpack is the great Skinmod, which i love.
Now my Question: i can´t assign a new Skin to the Blenheims for foreign countries for example Finnland.
the Folder BlenheimMkI(GB) doesn´t work for the british ones, they get their skin from the Folder BlenheimMkI(Multi1) which is for foreign countries i thought. Same with the Blenheim IV
What can i do? do i have to rename the folders in your skinmod? when yes which name they should get?
I always check the filelist.txt of the sfs extractor for the available skin folder names of a plane:
( Only a java coder could make a BlenheimMkI(fi) or BlenheimMkI(GB) )
Since 4.10 you can have the following options for a default skin:
example: #SAS/#00_SKINMOD/3do/plane/BlenheimMkI(Multi1)/summer/skin1o.tgb
(In 4.09 you got only summer and winter so I dont get why people are still using that version.
You get eastern front skins on your desert stationary planes...eeek!
The load.ini of the map tells the game which setting to use.
The Blenheim has a finnish camo for the 'summer' which are the eastern front maps.
I did add a british skin for 'eto', 'desert', 'mto' and 'cbi'. For 'winter', I used a finnish skin.