I was also in the process of adding mobile flak units to the scene and in particular the SdKfz 10/5 flak38 and noticed that you still have the old stock model
..... but I'm darned if I can find the mod that upgrades these vehicles. The new models first appeared in TFM412. Thanks for any help
You may be able to find some of these upgraded 3d-model versions in the following download...
#TFM412-36-Assets -
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=40015.0In the following SAS1946 forum sections you will also find hundreds of other new add-on goodies for the game...
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,93.0.htmlAlthough VPmedia has already included many of them into this VP-Modpack package, some may be missing.
Try to understand that, there are hundreds of models which some people never had in their game and
VPmedia cannot include them all right away, because there is not enough time in our daily lives to be doing this
work everyday. I sometimes work 10+ hours a day

and even I cannot find enough time to enjoy
this game more.
I am already sending VPmedia all the new version models to add into this VP-Modpack as fast as I can paint them and
make them work good.
It would be best that we help each other and try to upgrade our own personal games.
Slowly (but surely) I am already upgrading all my vehicles + buildings and also including "dead" versions for them, which were
never made before. This work takes time and cannot be done overnight. It is ALOT of models.
I have to do alot of testing in the game to make sure all work properly and that they look good.
Apart from the cool airplanes I also enjoy very much seeing these vehicles in the landscape.