Trying to add early P-38's to this pack and thought I had it (they are selectable and flyable in quick mission), but there are no weapon options
I've done the dance and added them to the air.ini, have skin folders for them, and even added entries to and (though cosmetic). Only default load out is available for each (?????).
The early Lightnings I am adding are found here:,4528.0.htmlI thought it might have something to do with:
Only requirement is that you have to have SAS weapons classes, or at least this patch:
Guys who do not have SAS gunmods, here is a patch. This derives from the AAA weaponsmod. You will see it is very small and contains only classfiles. They have been fixed to now use universal sounds and effects, so, no conflicts.
Download Fixed Ui1.2 Weapons"
So I downloaded these fixed Ui1.2 weapons and placed this AAA_Weapons folder in JSGMEMODS folder and enabled them with JSGM -- still nothing but default loadouts.
What am I missing????
These are essential planes for me to have in the game and I would appreciate any help and wisdom in this matter.
***EDIT: Solved. Don't Use JGSME for the AA_Weapons. Put them into the #SAS folder directly and things seem to work fine