OK, I think I found the guilty file It was file 15 in my download, it only downloaded for me 716.500, while all the other files have 716.800.
Must have been cut short.
I have now downloaded it again (with the correct number 716.800 size)
and I am extracting it using Winrar instead of 7zip, for a change. It seems to be extracting ok now.
will test it next.
is it why my 109 was not working ????? do I need to download file 15 again ?
If the downloaded file does not look like the others in size, then download it again.
FILES from 001 to 015 are all --- 716.800 KB
File 016 is 2.493 KB
After this is installed then run your game to see if its working.
If its working, then you can begin installing the patches 1, 2, 3 , etc etc.
I suggest to do this slowly and pay attention to the read me files for each one.
Also recommended is to run the game every time you install a new patch just
to make sure it was installed OK and your game starts good.
DO NOT BE IN A HURRY and do not install everything at the same time !If something goes wrong, you dont know where to look.
So install your game slowly.